Chapter 345

Chapter 346

Xue'er has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. When she saw Qi Rongxue's hostile face and heard her provocative words, she immediately choked and said, "Isn't this the second lady of Mr. Qi's family? I I thought you would never go out in your life!"

Qi Rongxue is not stupid, how could she not know the meaning of her words, her heart is full of shame and resentment, but she dare not answer her words, who knows if she will say more ugly words later, how can she Yi decided to forget the past and start a new life in the land of Kyoto. Her life must not be ruined a second time.

Qi Rongxue ignored Xue'er, and said to Qi Rongyue: "After leaving Pengcheng, it turned out that he came to the capital, so he must have come after Mr. Yin's family?"

Xue'er immediately widened her eyes and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? My lady came to Beijing to see a doctor, and she will be leaving after a while. If you don't know, don't talk nonsense!"

Qi Rongxue smiled coldly: "So it's not! That's right, for a girl like you, how could Mr. Yin have a crush on you?"

Xue'er wanted to choke back again, but was stopped by Qi Rongyue, she said flatly: "You don't need to be as knowledgeable as her, after a person is stimulated to a certain extent, his spirit will undergo some changes, and he doesn't know what to say or do. , Even if you kill someone, you can still be found not guilty, you have the same knowledge as her, doesn't it seem that you are not normal?"

Xue'er held back her smile, and nodded seriously: "What you said seems to make sense, anyway, then I won't be as knowledgeable as her, Miss, let's go, the air here seems to have become turbid because of someone's arrival .”

Qi Rongyue expressed her satisfaction with her growing comprehension, and said with a smile: "I reward you with two boxes of incense powder, you can choose by yourself!"

Xue'er went happily, but the middle-aged woman looked at the powder in her hand in great embarrassment. There was only one box, but there were two ladies in front of her. Who should she give it to?

Qi Rongyue said softly: "She said twice the price to buy this powder, I will pay three times, wrap it up!"

As expected, Qi Rongxue's competitive spirit was immediately aroused, and she raised her voice, "I pay five times."

Even a middle-aged woman can understand that it is clearly Qi Rongyue who is provoking her and playing tricks on her, but the authorities are confused and cannot see the situation clearly.

Qi Rongyue frowned slightly, with a troubled look on her face: "Six times!"

Qi Rongxue was very proud. Seeing Qi Rongyue like this, she was very happy: "Eight times!"

Eight times that is 960 taels of silver, 960 taels of honey powder in a box, I am afraid that the queen and princess have never used it.

Qi Rongyue shrugged, and said to the woman: "I didn't bring so much money when I went out today, since she likes it so much, then give it to her!" After finishing speaking, she turned and walked towards Xue'er who was picking out the powder.

Qi Rongxue didn't expect the victory to come so quickly, and said with a proud face: "You are so cowardly, and you want to grab something from me? Don't even look at what you are!"

Qi Rongyue ignored her, just pretending to be a mad dog barking, but she heard the middle-aged woman's kind voice say: "Miss, the original price of this box of honey powder is 120 taels a box, you paid eight times the price for it." Yes, it’s 960 taels, please pay at the counter!”

Qi Rongxue was dumbfounded: "You, how much did you say?"

The middle-aged woman still had a smile all over her face, and repeated what she had just said.

Only then did Qi Rongxue realize that she had heard correctly, it was 960 taels.

"Aren't you mistaken? Such a small box of honey powder costs 120 taels a box? In the best Rouge Pavilion in Pengcheng, the most expensive honey powder is only ten taels of silver a box, and this sells for 120 taels? You Isn't this money grabbing?"

(End of this chapter)

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