Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 350 One Kiss Is Not Enough

Chapter 350 One Kiss Is Not Enough

Chapter 351

But she knew that he was lying. As the prince of Yongpinghou, there were quite a few people who knew him in the capital city. Unless the guards guarding the city gate were newcomers, they must know him. How could he walk through the city gate? This road into Beijing, obviously not.

She didn't expose him, she just asked, "Then you leave at dawn?"

He bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek, um, one kiss was not enough, and another kiss was still not enough——

He resisted the urge to bite her attractive red lips, and said hoarsely, "Are you in such a hurry to drive me away?"

She didn't make a sound, and she didn't want him to leave. With him by her side, her heart was much more at ease, but he took a great risk in doing so. Chu Lian was extremely afraid of the power of the Zheng family. Living with this little braid, there is no guarantee that he will not use it as an excuse, and Min Hengzhi, he and Zhongwen had a bad relationship, and he is a member of Chu Lian. If he knows that Zhongwen left Jincheng to Beijing without permission, the consequences will be difficult. imagine.

"Molten Moon—"

"Huh?" She turned her head to look at him, her face so close, in the dim light, was so resolute and handsome, her heart skipped a beat suddenly, she hurriedly looked away.

"Why are you afraid that I will be discovered by the people of Prince Lian's mansion, but not by the people in the palace?" He asked.

She was taken aback, and said shyly, "Did I say that?"

He nodded: "You have! Why?"

She lowered her eyes, thought for a moment, then smiled, and said: "Because King Lian is the one who really controls the government, and your father, Marquis Yongping, holds the military power of 20 troops in Longxi, and his reputation in Beijing is also extremely high." Gao, with such a status, he didn't join his family of King Lian. He should be very afraid, because of fear, he will pay special attention to your Yongping Hou Mansion, hoping to find a reason to pinch your little girl. Braids, if you are forced to commit crimes, either, become his minions, or use you as obstacles to remove."

Zheng Zhongwen was surprised, he only knew that she liked to read military books in her free time, but he did not expect that she had studied the political affairs of the court so thoroughly.

This is beyond what a magistrate's daughter should know!
It seems that after she entered Beijing, she did in-depth research on the political affairs of the court. Is it for him?

His heart warmed, he stretched out his long arms, took her into his arms, and kissed her hair lightly: "Thank you!"

She was puzzled: "Thank me? What?"

"You inquired about these things for me, which proves that you also care about me in your heart. I am very happy, thank you for caring about me!" He became more and more passionate, and gradually closed his hands around her slender waist, clasping half of her body in his arms.

She didn't explain any more, and there was nothing wrong with his understanding. She only wanted him to know that she cared about his safety, told him to be careful of Chu Lian, and gave him a warning, no matter what, she couldn't stand with Chu Lian.

As if realizing what she was worried about, he blurted out: "Don't worry, our Yongping Hou Mansion will never become the minion of Lian Wang, nor will it become the puppet of any faction. This is also the biggest reason why my father can hold the military power firmly." .”

No one in power would hand over such a huge force to a person who stood in a faction, and handing it over to a neutral person was the most suitable.

Qi Rongyue felt at ease, then frowned and asked: "But if King Lian refuses to let you go, what if he wants to take back the military power in your hands?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "Impossible for the time being. He has no suitable candidates. After all, he has an army of 20. It is located in the fortress of Longxi. Outside the fortress is Zhou Guo. These years, Zhou Guo has been making moves on the border of Longxi. The army was suppressing the fortress, and Zhou's army had already marched in. Therefore, before King Lian found the most suitable candidate, he would not move the army of Longxi, and he would not dare to move. After all, the military power changed hands. It's easy to lose the morale of the army."

(End of this chapter)

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