Chapter 362 Old Love
Chapter 363

Shopkeeper Fan immediately grinned when he heard that the thing was right, "As long as Mr. Wan's illness can be cured, no matter how much it costs, it will be worth it."

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, nodded and said: "That's natural, no matter how valuable things are, they are not as precious as human life."

"Of course!" Shopkeeper Fan asked, "Then when can this medicine be refined?"

She closed the lid of the box and said with a faint smile: "You send the rest of the things to Rongyu Hall, and I will send the medicine in three days!"

Shopkeeper Fan quickly responded, smiling from ear to ear.

"Is Mr. Wan asleep?" she asked.

Shopkeeper Fan shook his head, no, he just drank the medicine and should be reading a book.

"I'll go and see him!" She handed the golden dragon fruit to Xue'er, told her to hold it carefully, and turned to go upstairs.

The door of the room was ajar, and when she pushed the door open, she saw Mr. Wan sitting in a daze at the table. There was an unfinished painting on the table. He was holding a pen, but he didn't know how to write it, and his eyes were full of desolation.

She walked behind him and said softly, "Is Mr. Wan missing his sweetheart?"

Mr. Wan turned his head and saw Qi Rongyue with a gentle smile on his face. He quickly put away the paintings on the table and said with a dry smile, "It's the past, it's not worth mentioning!"

If it's really not worth mentioning, how could he keep painting? This painting is new, not the one she saw last time.

"She is very beautiful, is she your wife?" The girl in the painting has a red beauty tear in the corner of her eye, her face is beautiful, and she seems to have known each other before.

In the corner of the master's eye, there is also such a beautiful tear, but apart from the similarity of the eyebrows and eyes, the nose, mouth and even the shape of the face are not the same.

Mr. Wan smiled wryly: "No, how could I have such a blessing." It was the woman he loved, no, the woman he had always loved, deeply rooted in his bones, unforgettable, and indelible, even though he knew that it was impossible to be with her in his whole life. When she was together, he might even never see her in his life, but he still couldn't forget her.

"What's her name?" she asked.

He shook his head: "I don't know!"

Seeing Qi Rongyue raised his eyebrows, he smiled wryly: "That year, when I was 20 years old, the village was flooded, my parents and brothers all died, and I was the only one left in the whole village!" He looked up. Nodding his head, he took a deep breath, remembering the suffering of that year, as if it happened yesterday, vividly in his mind.

"I didn't leave the village in time. I wanted to bury my relatives and friends before leaving, but I didn't expect to get sick because of it. I thought at the time that it would be better to die than to live alone in this world. Life is better than death.

I fell on the side of the road, and felt someone calling me in a daze. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't open them. After I woke up, I realized that I was infected with the epidemic. The one who saved me was a kind person. Girl about your age.

I will always remember that day, she was wearing a white dress and covered with a veil. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, she could feel that she must be beautiful, she must be beautiful,
I told her to go and leave me alone, but she didn't listen. She burned the village full of broken houses and corpses everywhere, and then left the village with me behind her back, and went to a place In the inaccessible forest, she fed me medicine every day, made bowls of bitter and unpleasant soup with various herbs she picked in the forest, pinched my nose and drank bowls of it.

After half a month, my disease was really cured. I asked her what her name was, and she said her name was Plum Blossom. Later I found out that this was a fake name, and her name was not Plum Blossom at all. "

(End of this chapter)

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