Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 366 Liangzhou's No. 1 Beauty

Chapter 366 Liangzhou's No. [-] Beauty
Chapter 367

Jincheng - prefect Yamen.

"Master Zheng, this is an invitation from Lord Wang!" Luo Ping placed an invitation in front of Zheng Zhongwen's desk.

Zheng Zhongwen quickly opened it, glanced at it, and asked Luo Ping, "Who else did Lord Wang send the invitation to?"

Luo Ping shook his head: "I don't know, I heard that the banquet was held for the last Miemen case, and it should not only invite you, my lord!"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "That's it, then I know! You go and answer and say that I will be there on time."

"Yan'er, just now Luo Ping came back and said that Zheng Shizi will come to the banquet on time tomorrow. You have to behave well and don't miss the opportunity." Wang Zhifu looked at his shy daughter and sighed: "My daughter Everything is no worse than Miss Qi, if Zheng Shizi is really a sensible person, he should know how to choose."

Mrs. Wang on the side smiled from ear to ear: "Of course, Yunyan looks like me, but many people say that Yunyan is exactly the same as when I was young. At that time, I was the most beautiful woman in Liangzhou. It’s not in vain either.”

Mrs. Wang was overjoyed, and answered again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, let alone back then, as far as my wife is now, she is also the most beautiful woman, unmatched by anyone!"

Mrs. Wang heard the meaning of ridicule in his words, and snorted: "You are not serious, if I go back to 18 years, is it a joke?"

Wang Yunyan smiled lowly and said: "Okay, mother, who in our house dare not admit your beauty? It's the aunts married by my father, who has three points of color like you?" It's just because you are younger. , Wang Yunyan swallowed this sentence, after all, her father is still there.

As soon as the aunts in the mansion were mentioned, Mrs. Wang's heart felt as if she had been pricked a hundred times by a needle, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and she gave Mrs. Wang a half-eyed look.

No woman can sincerely accept that her husband is divided up by other women, not even a little bit.

Mr. Wang coughed twice, got up quickly, and said: "I still have some things to deal with, Yan'er stay with your mother, I'll go first." He will be hacked into pieces by his wife's eye knife.

His wife is good at everything, but her eyes are narrow-minded, and she can't tolerate any sand in her eyes, not even a single one.

I don't know how many times I have quarreled with him about accepting a side room for him. How many men like him are there who don't have a side room in the backyard?No matter how beautiful the wife is, she will get tired of looking at it sometimes, not to mention, she has given birth to three children and is no longer young. How can she compare with those young girls who are so tender that they can pinch water?

"Look, look, look, every time this matter is mentioned, he slips away faster than a rabbit."

Mrs. Wang's complexion was ashen, her teeth itching with hatred.

Wang Yunyan sighed, and said, "Maybe all men in the world are like this!"

Mrs. Wang shook her head and said: "That's not necessarily true. Zheng Shizi's father, Marquis Yongping, heard that Mrs. Zheng was the only woman in his life. There is no concubine room in the mansion. Even if there is no common room, he keeps himself clean outside. Go to those dirty places in Fireworks and Willow Lane."

Wang Yunyan's eyebrows lit up, and she said again: "Master Zheng is really so affectionate?" She thought of another possibility, frowned and said: "Could it be that you have a hidden disease? Otherwise, even if you don't take concubines, you can't just have children This child!"

Mrs. Wang covered her mouth with a smile, and said: "I knew you would ask, I have already asked. I heard that Mrs. Hou had a hard time giving birth to a son and hurt her body. Since then, she has not been pregnant again."

(End of this chapter)

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