Chapter 378 Ask

Chapter 379

The sudden sudden death of the Emperor Chu, the death of the empress, the grief-stricken eldest princess, who fell into the water—all these, are they all fake?The death of the Emperor Chu was not due to a sudden illness, the queen did not die in love, and the eldest princess did not fall into the water—then, who is the person who controls all of this, the person who has the ability to control all of this?

The answer was ready to come out, he looked at Rong Yue in surprise, why did she know all this?Who is the master she speaks of?When did she and Min Hengzhi know each other?

He suddenly discovered that Rong Yue in front of him was both familiar and unfamiliar!He knew so little about her!

Min Hengzhi didn't deny her questioning, but said quietly: "Some things are not what you think, the person I don't want to hurt the most is—"

"Shut up, don't mention her name, you don't deserve it!" It was the first time Zheng Zhongwen saw her look so serious, and so did Min Hengzhi!

she?who is it?

Zheng Zhongwen wanted to ask, but didn't dare to ask, is the 'she' she mentioned, the eldest princess?
Min Hengzhi silently, yes, that's right, he is indeed not worthy, not worthy of being her fiance, not even worthy of mentioning her name!
He got up and said to Qi Rongyue: "I already know about Lantuohua, I will find the murderer behind the scenes as soon as possible, you should be more careful!" After he finished speaking, he quickly left the small hall.

In the living room, only Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen were left, the sky outside had completely darkened, it seemed that the lamp on the table was getting brighter and Qi Rongyue's face was getting paler.

She turned her eyes, looked at Zheng Zhongwen who was still in shock, and said with a wry smile: "If you have any questions, just ask!"

Zheng Zhongwen looked at her, at the forbearable sadness in her eyes, at the trembling of her hands tightly twisting the handkerchief, this was the first time he saw Rongyue like this, even when he faced the extermination that day. When she was a gangster, she did not show such emotions now.

As if his heart was being stabbed by a needle, he felt a slight pain, he stretched out his hand, took her into his arms, and said in a low voice: "I don't ask, I don't ask anything, wait until the day you want to talk, and then tell me! "

Her heart, which she tried to defend, collapsed at this moment, and the tears couldn't stop falling, soaking his clothes, and the deep sadness and helplessness flooded out at this moment, she wanted to say, she wanted to say everything , not at all left.

She didn't say anything in the end, some things, it's better not to know than to know!

The next day, more people were poisoned in the refugee camp, and there were already bad rumors brewing in the refugee camp. As soon as Qi Rongyue arrived in the refugee camp, he was surrounded by people, and everyone asked the same question.

Did they get the plague!
Qi Rongyue said loudly: "Please believe me, you didn't get the plague, it's just that the nearby water source was polluted, which caused everyone to get sick together, but don't worry, everyone, after taking my medicine, your illness will be under control immediately , don’t be afraid, it’s okay, trust me!”

Most people are willing to believe Qi Rongyue, but there are also a small group of people who don't believe her, question her medical skills, and also question her explanation of this matter.

And it was just such a small group of people who kept inciting the emotions of the refugees in the crowd, making the refugee camp that had been quiet down into a row again, and some even rushed to the gate of the city and asked to enter the city. The scene was out of control for a while, and Qi Rong The words of Yue and Zheng Zhongwen were gradually overwhelmed by the excited crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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