Chapter 391

Chapter 392

Zheng Zhongwen stood still in front of the five people, and his cold gaze swept over the five people one by one. Seeing that they lowered their eyes one after another, not daring to look at them, he said in a deep voice, "Say, who put the poison in the barrel?"

The thin man suddenly raised his head, with obvious panic in his eyes: "My lord, I am wronged, we did not poison, we just wanted to drink water, who knew that the river was poisonous, if we knew that the river was poisonous, That is to kill us, we dare not drink!"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly: "You really didn't drink it. You just drew water and poisoned it, but gave the poisoned water to others to drink. Do you know how many people were killed by this bucket of water? Up to 70-year-olds, down to Children who were eight years old died twelve, twelve!"

The thin man trembled uncontrollably, shook his head and said, "I'm wronged, my lord, I, I really didn't know that the water was poisonous, I also wanted to drink it at the time, it's just, just—"

At this time Qi Rongyue accepted his words, and said in a low voice: "It's just that you are not sure whether the poison in this water can kill people, so you struggled for a long time, but you still didn't drink it, right?"

The man didn't dare to look at Zheng Zhongwen, nor did he dare to look at Qi Rongyue, with his head down, his body trembling uncontrollably, his eyes full of regret.

At this time, the middle-aged fat man on the other side snorted: "I think you couldn't catch the murderer, so you want to take some of us refugees as the culprit! Hmph—you dog officials, don't you usually do this kind of thing? "

Qi Rongyue said: "You don't need to pour dirty water on us, I'll know who gave the poison as soon as I test it." She took the medicine box from the guard, took out the green stone powder that was used for the drug test yesterday, poured it I wrote some on the paper, and handed it to the guard beside me: "Smear this on the hands of the five of them, and if anyone's palms turn black, it is the person who has been directly exposed to the poison of the Lantuo flower. He is the murderer!"

The guard took the green stone powder Qi Rongyue gave and walked towards the five people. Three of the five people turned pale immediately, and the young man obviously lost his composure and shouted loudly: "It wasn't me who poisoned it, it wasn't me. Poisoned, I just, I just—"

The middle-aged fat man said angrily: "Shut up, shut up!"

Zheng Zhongwen walked in front of the fat man, raised his leg and kicked the fat man's lower abdomen fiercely: "You don't want to live yourself, why do you want others to die with you?"

The middle-aged fat man was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, he saw Zheng Zhongwen's stern eyes swept over the pale four people one by one, and said: "As long as you explain the situation at that time clearly, if you didn't poison, you will be given a lighter sentence." Punishment, if there is a lie, I will hand you over to the family members of those dead relatives, think about it for yourself, what will the consequences be?"

Thinking of the eyes of those people who wanted to peel their skins, the four of them shuddered, with horror in their eyes, and if they were handed over to them, it would be worse than being locked up in the prison of the government office.

Zheng Zhongwen fixed his eyes on the face of the young man who was stopped from speaking just now, and said in a deep voice, "You speak first!"

The young man was full of remorse. When he saw those people foaming at the mouth and falling down, he regretted it. He regretted committing such a heinous crime for a little profit in front of him, but he never turned back. His regret was useless. , I just hope this doesn't hurt my family.

"I'll say it, I'll say it all!" The young man had just finished speaking, only to hear a "swipe", a cloud-piercing arrow came out of nowhere, and shot straight into the young man's throat, blood spattered, killing him instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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