Chapter 394 Impulsive
Chapter 395

Qi Rongyue also said: "That's right, we must find this traitor who secretly colluded with Zhou Guo as soon as possible, otherwise, they will definitely have another trick!"

However, they guessed the beginning, but they didn't guess that the latter would come so quickly!
When they returned to the dungeon of the government office and wanted to interrogate the poisoned prisoner who might have seen the masked man, they found that the man had died, and the guards were all shot through the throat. die.

But the guards guarding outside had no idea that a murder happened inside.

He seems to have the ability to pass through the sky, as long as he walks through any place without anyone noticing, he can do whatever he wants.

There were other prisoners in the dungeon, after some questioning, Qi Rongyue felt suspicious, but she didn't say it out at that time, she just acted helpless.

It was getting late at this time, she winked at Zheng Zhongwen and Min Hengzhi, and said in a low voice: "It seems that the clues of this case are all broken, let's go back and rest first, recover our spirits, and discuss countermeasures tomorrow!"

The two of them met her eyes, they understood, and nodded: "Alright, I'm tired today, I should rest earlier!"

After saying that, Min Hengzhi went out of the government office first, and rode his horse slowly on the long street for a while, making sure that no one was following him, he turned his horse and rushed to Zheng Zhongwen's residence.

After Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue came out, they also went back to their residence directly.

Jian Yun had just taken the detoxification pill that took a day to refine, and was turning her luck into a pill. Min Hengzhi was guarding the law by her side, vigilant about the surrounding area.

Today, he has experienced black hands and cold arrows a few times, and he really dare not be careless.

When Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen came back, Jian Yun had just completed his alchemy and was listening to Min Hengzhi's report on today's events.

Qi Rongyue closed the door directly after entering the house, and asked Sangui to guard outside, not allowing anyone to approach.

"Rong Yue, it looks like you've discovered something?" Seeing the flicker of wisdom in Rong Yue's eyes, Jian Yun knew that she must know something.

Qi Rongyue nodded, and said to Min Hengzhi and Zheng Zhongwen in a low voice: "Have you noticed that when we were in the dungeon just now, at least two prisoners mentioned that after the poisoner was locked in, they only saw one person outside?" The yamen servant who delivered the food came in, but no one else saw it, and we came here not long afterward, and they knew that someone had died."

Zheng Zhongwen's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "What do you mean, the murderer was the yamen servant?"

"The government dungeon has only one entrance, and there are four guards guarding the entrance. It is impossible for someone to break in without alerting anyone, unless this person is someone they know well. It’s the one they never thought he was the murderer.”

Min Hengzhi said angrily: "Damn it, I'll go find him now!"

Zheng Zhongwen pulled him back, and said in a deep voice: "Prince Jin, you are too impulsive, let Rong Yue finish speaking first!"

Jian Yun frowned, she hadn't realized before that Min Hengzhi would have such an impulsive temperament, and also, if he hadn't been so impulsive, how could he have believed the words of a traitor and made a big mistake!
Only then did Min Hengzhi realize that he was indeed impulsive, and said awkwardly: "I'm too anxious, I'm afraid that guy will play tricks behind his back again."

Qi Rongyue didn't look at him, and only said to Zheng Zhongwen: "Since we already know who the mastermind is behind the scenes, it's just right, let's plan, keep quiet for now, and just watch secretly, when he and his accomplices meet to do evil. , and take one of them down in one fell swoop! So that there will be no more fish that slip through the net!"

(End of this chapter)

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