Chapter 399
Chapter 400

A large amount of medicine was sent to the refugee camp outside the city. The refugees who were lucky enough not to be infected with the plague chose to leave Jincheng after receiving a bag of food. Everyone wanted to live a life without worrying about food and clothing, but the premise was to Can save lives.

In just two days, only 700 of the [-] refugees were left, and [-] of them had direct or indirect contact with the epidemic patients. Although they wanted to leave this ghostly place, they were afraid of leaving. If you get sick on the road, don't you wait to die?Staying here, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

More than 300 epidemic patients died every day. Not far from the refugee camp, there was a cremation pit. All the dead epidemic patients were thrown into the pit and incinerated into ashes so as not to infect others.

After all, Jian Yun has experience in this field. After 15 people died on No.230, the medicine she and Qi Rongyue continuously improved finally took effect. The scab began to collect water. After the news spread to Jincheng, the people all over the city burst into cheers. Everyone thanked Qi Rongyue in their hearts. Without her, Jincheng would have been destroyed.


Golden Temple
"Your Majesty, Xinyang Mansion has been seriously damaged by floods, and the people have been displaced. Now the plague has broken out in Jincheng. I hope that the Emperor will take pity on the people and send food and medicine as soon as possible!" Zheng Hou Ye said in front of the imperial court, showing urgency.

He was not only worried about the people of Xinyang Mansion, but even more worried about his only son.

Chu Tianqi's hands clenched into fists in his sleeves, but he didn't show anything on his face. He still looked very impatient and didn't answer. He knew that even if he spoke about this matter, he couldn't decide. In the end, it was Chu Lian who made the decision.

Chu Lian sat at the first place on the right of the lower steps. The seat was painted with gold and carved dragons, which was not much different from the throne.

There was a trace of coldness on his face, and he snorted: "They are all dying people, wouldn't it be a waste to allocate food? If this food is sent to the barracks, it will be enough for the soldiers and generals for a month."

The civil and military forces of the entire court were in an uproar. Even members of the Chu Lian Party felt that Chu Lian's words were too ruthless. The people are the foundation of the country.
Despite the uproar, no one dared to refute. To refute Chu Lian is to seek death, and no one wants to die.

Although Zheng Houye was full of resentment, he didn't say anything more, it was useless to say more, why waste his tongue, he only hated the Chu Emperor who was young and left behind, they were courtiers, they had intentions but were powerless!
King Jin's Mansion

"My lord, Prince Lian has summoned many court officials to discuss matters!" The guard whispered beside Min Heng's son.

Min Hengzhi asked: "Who else has gone?"

The guard said: "After the court officials left, they went to the eunuchs in the two palaces."

Min Hengzhi's complexion changed slightly. He called the eunuch into the mansion to discuss matters at this time, and the discussion was naturally about the emperor's business.

"No, he's going to make a move!" Min Hengzhi thought of a possibility, his expression horrified.

When he entered Beijing this time, he secretly consulted many files hidden in the inner palace, and found that the matter of the extermination of the family due to the plague in the Min Guogong's mansion back then turned into a fire in the files, and the reporter was actually Chu Lian.

Only then did he realize that he believed Chu Lian's evil words by mistake, and he was used by Chu Lian to kill the wise Emperor Chu and his most beloved woman.

Now, Chu Lian wants to harm Tian Qi again, he won't allow it, never allow it!
Tian Qi is Tian Yu's only family member in this world, and he will never allow Tian Qi to be murdered by Chu Lian again.

(End of this chapter)

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