Chapter 423 Mobei Palace
Chapter 424

The father is kind, knowing that the construction of the Mobei Palace will take a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, and the life of the people in Mobei is very poor, so he rejected the request of the local officials and abandoned the construction of the Palace.

Since the palace was abandoned, why did the palace still appear in the paintings of the father?
Zheng Zhongwen said: "I also heard this matter from my father. At the beginning, the emperor did abolish the construction of the palace, and ordered the officials of all sizes in Mobei not to mention this matter again. The eunuchs and guards were attacked by bandits on the road, the imperial decree was lost, and those who went did not return. At that time, the Nanliang war happened by chance, and the emperor put the matter on hold. Unexpectedly, two years ago, the palace had been built, and the built It is very luxurious, and the local people resent it."

Zheng Zhongwen paused, glanced at Qi Rongyue and Chu Tianqi, and said, "My father suspects that Chu Lian is behind the scenes. His purpose is to destroy the emperor's reputation among the people. One day, Instead."

Chu Tianqi was extremely angry, and he slapped his palm on the table. Several fine cracks appeared on the smooth table, which showed how much anger was contained in his palm.

Qi Rongyue was secretly happy, it seemed that her younger brother had never stopped practicing.

Zheng Zhongwen said again: "The palace is full of Chu Lian's people, even if we go this way, we must never go to the palace."

Chu Tianqi nodded, looked back to the painting again, pointed to the rockery behind the palace in Mobei and said: "Then this must be a certain mountain in Mobei."

Jian Yun said: "That's right, this is Ziyan Mountain. I have been there once. The peak is extremely dangerous and high. It is not one mountain, but three mountains connected. They are all made of huge boulders rising from the ground. There are no trees. At that time, in order to pick herbs that grew in the crevices of the rocks, I almost fell down, and it was very steep."

Behind Ziyan Mountain is a lotus pond. Of course it looks like a lotus pond, but it certainly does not mean a lotus pond.

Jian Yun said: "I have also been to this place. It is the last water source before entering the Mobei Desert. Anyone who wants to cross the Mobei Desert will get enough water here."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, looking at the plain behind the lotus pond, a faint dark line loomed in the plain.

"So, the base of the Black Cavalry Army is in the desert?" Zheng Zhongwen said.

Jian Yun nodded: "From the present point of view, this is indeed the case, but it can also be explained why the Black Cavalry Army is unknown and not used by others, because the place where they are located is inaccessible, and it is not easy for anyone to find it of."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "That's right, if the Black Cavalry Army is in a place where anyone can find it, how can Chu Lian ignore it? Then there is no need for Father to hide this army secretly."

Chu Tianqi said: "No matter how dangerous the road is or how long the water is, I must find the Black Cavalry Army, return to the capital, regain the imperial power, and personally avenge my father, the queen, the queen, and the queen!" The fireworks in his eyes were firm and It was scorching hot, as if once contaminated with a little spark, it would have the potential to start a prairie fire.

This is the power of hatred!

Jian Yun finally understands why Qi Rongyue refuses to recognize him. Only by letting him maintain this power of hatred can his flame of revenge and restoration of power be more intense.

Zheng Zhongwen patted Chu Tianqi on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Brother Qi, don't worry, we will help you, and I, as well as the Yongping Hou Mansion standing behind me, will be your help!"

(End of this chapter)

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