Chapter 442
Chapter 443

Chu Lian laughed, seemingly heartily laughing, but his eyes were full of sinisterness: "This king says it's appropriate, then it's appropriate."

Min Hengzhi felt a pain in his heart, he is really stupid, how could he believe such a person before, he would rather believe him than the upright and benevolent His Majesty the Emperor of Chu.

Soon, there were two copies of one order, one was sent to Yongping Houfu, and the other was sent to the magistrate's yamen in Jincheng.

This is Chu Lian's handwritten order, ordering Zheng Zhongwen to lead three hundred elite riders from Liangshan, to chase down the bandits, and return when the bandits are cleared. Zheng Zhongwen is also allowed to visit relatives in Beijing before setting out to suppress the bandits.

Mrs. Zheng Hou cried all night holding the letter, and Master Zheng Hou also stayed up all night, sighing endlessly.

He knew that Chu Lian would attack him sooner or later, but he didn't expect that he would start molesting his son so early, before he ascended the throne.

"Master Hou, I heard that the bandits are very cruel and vicious, our Zhongwen—"

"Ma'am, Zhongwen will be fine. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and this horsemanship is not for nothing. Besides, don't you still have three hundred elite riders? It will be fine."

"Master, you are also the leader of the army. You know better than anyone else what those so-called elite cavalry are. Can our son's life really be handed over to these people?"

Why didn't Master Zheng Hou understand, but what could he do?Chu Lian is the superior, but he can only bow his head.

"Ma'am, go to sleep."

"I don't sleep, how can I sleep? Marquis, you go to Prince Lian's mansion tomorrow and beg Prince Lian to let our family Zhongwen go. There are so many generals who are unemployed in Beijing. It is better to send someone casually." Send us Zhong Wenqiang."

"Ma'am, don't you understand? The reason King Lian sent Zhongwen there was on purpose. Do you think it's useful if I ask him?"

Mrs. Zheng Hou lay on the bedside crying, choked up and said: "Master Hou, our Zheng family has been loyal to the court for so many years, and we have worked hard without credit. Now we are only a child Zhongwen. He, how can he, How could he-"

"Ma'am, don't forget, he is Chu Lian, not the former Emperor Chu!"

Mrs. Zheng Hou cried more and more sadly, as if her son would really be gone forever.

Three days later, the Marquis of Yongping.

"Master Hou, ma'am, the son is back!" The housekeeper rushed to report, and Lord Zheng hurriedly supported his wife to welcome him to the door.

Zheng Zhongwen has been away from home for half a year. During this period, this is not the first time to return to Beijing, but it is the first time to go home. He saw his mother who was wiping tears from a distance. He hurriedly quickened his pace and rushed to the front of his parents, kneeling on one knee Next: "Father, mother, the child is back."

Mrs. Zheng Hou hurriedly pulled her son to stand up: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back, get up quickly, the ground is cold."

Zheng Zhongwen got up with a smile, looked at his mother's tear-stained face and said: "Mother, if your eyes cry again, they will swell into walnuts. My father doesn't like it, what should I do if I want to take a concubine?"

Mrs. Zheng Hou laughed "puchi": "You child, you talk to your parents as soon as you come back. I would love your father to take a concubine. Don't scare me with this."

Lord Zheng Hou said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, your mother's eyes will cry into big walnuts in a while."

The family happily entered the living room, and Zheng Zhongwen said: "Mother, I have been hungry for two meals, and I am just waiting to eat the carrot brisket you made. Is it ready?"

Mrs. Zheng Hou knew what he meant, didn't she just want her to avoid it, did he have something to say to Lord Hou, she smiled and got up: "I'll go to the kitchen and have a look." She took all the servants with her when she left.

(End of this chapter)

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