Chapter 452
Chapter 453

She stood under the pomegranate tree outside the city, and the fiery red pomegranate flowers were on top of her head, just like the red flowers on the head of a newlywed.

Snow-skinned and black-haired, a pair of beautiful eyes full of autumn water, staring at his eyes with extreme reluctance, and not wanting to look away for a moment.

He was riding on a tall horse, looking at the girl under the flower tree, Yiyi waved his hand, and he missed him before he left.

He finally rode away, leaving behind a trail of smoke and dust, which lost the eyes of passers-by and hurt her heart.

The tears that had been borne for a long time finally flowed down. This man, this man who loved her more than his life, just left her and walked on the road that she had made by herself. Whether he will not return or not is uncertain.

Her heart seemed to be grabbed by a huge hand, and the pain made it difficult for her to breathe. Before she knew it, she already loved him so much.

"Miss Qi, go back." Seeing that her face was full of tears, the housekeeper of the Hou's House no longer had the calmness she had before, and now she looks like a girl of her age!

She nodded, wiped the tears off her face, and turned around after the butler of the Hou Mansion. Just a few steps away, there was another familiar sound of stepping on a horse from behind her.

She hurriedly turned her head and looked at the place full of smoke and dust. The tall and handsome man was galloping towards her with his mouth open.

She was still standing under the pomegranate tree, watching the man running towards her with tears in her eyes, and when he came to her side, she raised her head, and he leaned over, with hot lips folded together, he tasted Salty taste.

Gently kissing away the tears on her face, a deep voice rang in her ears: "Don't cry, don't cry, be happy, be happy, wait for me to come back, wait for me to come back!"

She nodded heavily, bit her lips tightly, and didn't dare to say anything, she was afraid that if she said a word, the tears would fall down unstoppably, she didn't cry, she promised him, she wouldn't cry!

The horse ran away again, she knew that this time, he would not come back again, when will I see him again?Where is it?

she does not know.

Yin Yixuan stood on the top of the city gate, watching their reluctant parting, seeing him return to her side, leaning over the horse's back for a kiss, he was jealous, but there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, fortunately, he is gone, and he probably won't come back in a short time, and there is no so-called three-media and six-hire between them, he still has a chance, he still has a chance.


Qi Mansion
"Mother, you must help me this time." Qi Yongchun knelt in front of the old lady and begged bitterly.

The old lady frowned and said nothing, and sighed after a while: "Son, for you, mother is willing to do anything, but even if mother kneels in front of her like you, she may not be willing to turn back!"

Qi Yongchun said: "If you don't try it, how will you know the result? Didn't she want to marry Zheng Shizi? With her current status as an abandoned daughter, wouldn't it be a dream to marry into the Marquis Mansion? Marry, that's different, let's use this to lure her, I don't believe she would be so hard-hearted."

The old lady was very upset, did the son really want her to kneel down and beg in front of Qi Rongyue with such an old bone?He is shameless, doesn't she want it too?
But seeing her son like this again, she really couldn't say no to him, so she could only agree.

"Get up, I promise you!" The old lady closed her eyes, filled with emotion in her heart, her own son inherited his own character, selfish and ruthless, even if he was so cruel to his own mother, it was simply It's exactly the same as her back then, who can she blame?
(End of this chapter)

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