Chapter 502
Chapter 503

After Chu Tianxin drove away the maids who delivered food and drink, she dropped the whole thing again, her chest heaved and fell in anger, panting heavily, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Lian'er who was standing aside with her eyes downcast, He said coldly: "Where is Qi Rongyue? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Lianer quickly shook her head: "Slave, I don't know, I will send someone to remind me."

Chu Tian snorted coldly: "No need, I'd like to see when she will come today, is she deliberately refusing to cure my illness, and wants to disfigure me and make me ugly?" She always doubted There is something unclear between Qi Rongyue and Hengzhi, and I also hate Qi Rongyue's delicate and bright face. It's not pleasing to the eye, I can't wait to take a knife and scratch her face a few times.

Lian'er said cautiously: "My lord, princess, let the slaves go and get someone to clean up."

Chu Tian said with cold eyebrows and eyes: "Sweep what, don't need it, if Qi Rongyue can't cure my face today, I will let her get out of here lying on the broken porcelain."

Qi Rongyue, who had already walked to the door, heard Chu Tianxin's words clearly, her brows, which were originally clear and cold, were stained with a layer of frost and snow, and her eyes were full of cold light, it really was Chu Tianxin Heart, as expected, like a father, like a daughter, this kind of viciousness comes from the bone marrow and is born.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the coldness in her eyes for a while, and stepped into the room with her legs up. The broken porcelain under her feet was as she expected, but she didn't care. Broken porcelain can't hurt her at all.

"The princess has been waiting for a long time."

She stood still in the room, bowed to Chu Tianxin, her eyes were filled with apology.

Chu Tian snorted coldly: "I also said that you were so frightened that you hid at home and refused to come."

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Princess was joking. As a doctor, Rongyue should solve her worries and problems, so why would she refuse to come? There is a reason for her late arrival today. I hope the princess will not be surprised."

"There's a reason? What's the reason? Tell me." Chu Tianxin squinted at her. That face was really annoying.

Qi Rongyue said: "To tell you the truth, the princess, after I went back yesterday, I thought of a medicine that might cure the princess' illness, so I started refining it overnight, and it was not finished until an hour ago, which was a bit of a delay."

As soon as Chu Tianxin heard this, he immediately stood up from the bench, the displeasure on his face was wiped away, and he said happily: "Is that true?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "It's absolutely true, I've brought the medicine, it's outside."

Chu Tian anxiously said: "Then what are you waiting for? Quick, get someone to bring it in."

Qi Rongyue turned her head and shouted outside: "Bring it in."

The one who served the medicine was Xiao Ding, the maid sent from the palace to her residence. She was usually a bit clever. She flattered her in every possible way, was quick-tongued, and often self-righteously slandered Xue'er in hopes of getting some useful information. , Passed to Chutian's heart to invite credit.

She brought this little Ding here today, so that she could taste the power of her dedicated master.

Xiao Ding was holding a large white porcelain bowl in both hands. The bowl was covered with a lid, and it was full of ink-colored concoction. She had been holding it in her hands since it came out of the oven. Her palm was so hot that it was blood red. She dropped this bowl, but when she thought that it was the medicine that Princess Tianxin mainly used, she didn't dare to drop it even if it hurt to death, so she held it all the way into the palace.

As soon as she stepped into the upper room, she felt a tingling sensation from a sharp and hard object piercing the sole of her foot.

(End of this chapter)

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