Chapter 505 Gemstone Ring
Chapter 506

Qi Rongyue went into the medicine room, took off the clothes of one of the maids and put it on, and lit a stick of incense in the room, with this stick of incense, they could sleep for at least two hours.

Going out from the side door of the Medicine Hall, she came to the palace wall shrouded in the shade of trees. She looked left and right, and seeing no one was there, she skimmed up to the tree trunk at the root of the palace wall, squatted on the tree trunk and looked inside the palace wall.

On the other side of the palace wall is the Department of Garment Bureau. This is the most remote corner of the palace. There are many maids in the palace, and all of them are busy. Some are busy doing embroidery, and some are busy washing starch Yes, she skimmed down from the tree lightly, entered the clothing bureau, and swaggered through it, but no one gave her a second look because of her appearance. There are countless court ladies who come and go to the clothing bureau every day. I am used to seeing all kinds of different faces, so I am not surprised.

After leaving the Department of Clothes Bureau, you will find the Imperial Dining Room through a small path, and then you will find the Yunxiu Palace. The concubines newly selected by the emperor lived in this Yunxiu Palace before they were canonized.

At this time, the Yunxiu Palace is full of bustle. The old palace has been completely renovated and redecorated. Just wait for the new emperor to enthroned and choose the best girls, and the Yunxiu Palace will be full of excitement.

Thinking of Chu Lian's leg disease, a sneer sneered at the corner of her mouth, secretly thinking that the Yunxiu Palace might not be needed for the time being.

She is very familiar with the patrol routes of the Habayashi guards in the harem, and deliberately chooses a hidden path to walk, so that she will not encounter the Habayashi guards and the eunuchs in charge of the palaces, so as not to cause trouble.

Chu Lian moved all the things in the Imperial Study Room and the Palace of Imperial Harmony into Prince Lian’s Mansion, and there was nothing left of his father’s belongings, but Ziyu Palace, where his mother lived, mostly contained things from his daughter’s house. There must be no such interest in moving back.

Her purpose of entering the palace today is to find what she wants from her mother's Ziyu Palace.

When she was eight years old, on her mother's birthday, she saw her father give her a jewel ring. The gem set in the ring was huge, the size of a pigeon's egg, shining brightly and very beautiful.

Father thought she went to play in the imperial garden, but she was actually squatting at the door, thinking that when father and mother came out later, she would scare them.

She heard her father tell the queen with her own ears that the jewel on the ring can be removed. On the other side of the jewel is a seal, a unique seal in the world. As long as the warrant with the seal is sent directly to the hand of Fuhu, the commander of the city defense, he can directly order him to act.

She never thought that the whispers she overheard when she was a child would actually help her and Tianqi to restore the country.

As long as this ring is found, she and Tianqi will have another boost in their grand plan of restoring the country. The three thousand elite guards in the city defense are all trained by Fu Hushen. Habayashi Wei may not be their opponent.

There were no guards at the gate of Ziyu Palace. Seeing that there was no one around, she rushed in quickly, and closed the door that was hidden.

She forcibly suppressed the sadness that was going upstream, gritted her teeth, straightened her back, and walked step by step towards the familiar yet unfamiliar palace.

"Who are you? What are you doing here at Ziyu Palace?" A court lady who was eating sunflower seeds walked over, saw Qi Rongyue walking towards the main hall, and hurriedly called her to a halt.

Qi Rongyue settled down, looked at the maid with a slight smile, and said politely: "I'm from the Clothes Bureau, so I'll see if there's anything I need to wash."

(End of this chapter)

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