Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 507 The Dark Space Under the Bricks

Chapter 507 The Dark Space Under the Bricks

Chapter 508

She was full of surprises, this thing is still there, and no one has found it.

She once played hide-and-seek with the mother and hid under the bed in this bedroom. She saw her mother hide the velvet brocade box in the dark compartment under the brick. Hiding underground.

The queen mother told her that people who respect them on weekdays may betray them one day. There are some secrets that no one should know. In this world, there is no outsider who can be absolutely trusted.

She was young at the time, so she listened half-understood. She just remembered not to tell anyone about it, and didn't take the rest too seriously.

Opening the brocade box, there was indeed the jewel ring given to her by her father. Besides the jewel ring, there was also a letter. The letter paper had turned yellow, obviously it was old.

She stuffed the gemstone ring and the letter into her bosom, put the empty brocade box back into the secret compartment, laid the floor tiles back, and wiped the curtain on the ground with the curtain in her hand, wiping away the paper she left behind. Mark of.

There were footsteps coming from outside, she hurried to the bed, pulled the mattress cover sheet on the bed and hugged her in her arms.

The door was pushed open, and an unfamiliar court lady came in, covered her nose and said to her: "Sister Cui'er said you were sent by the Clothes Bureau to wash things?"

Qi Rongyue turned around and smiled lightly at the maid: "Yes."

"Come with me, I have a lot of things to wash in my room."

She smiled apologetically: "I'm afraid I can't do it now, I can't take this much this trip, can I come back later?"

The maid nodded: "Alright, you go back first, and come back after you put your things away."

Qi Rongyue repeatedly said hello, walked out of the palace with her things in her arms, and when she came out of Ziyu Palace, she met a group of guards patrolling past, she quickly lowered her head and hid most of her face in the mattress.

Many of the Habayashi guards in the palace are from Prince Lian's Mansion, and they might go to Prince Lian's Mansion on weekdays, there is no guarantee that no one will know her, so it is always right to be careful.


"Lord Yin, what do you think of this word?" Cao Tong handed the word he just wrote to Yin Yixuan.

Yin Yixuan glanced at it, shook his head and said, "It's too neat and lacks style, I don't think Prince Lian will like it."

Ning Yu, who was standing beside Yin Yixuan, said with a smile: "Master Yin is right. Prince Lian is a straightforward man, and he is a warrior. He should like more imposing words. Since King Lian trusts us, he put the words on the poems on the gates of each palace and bureau. The task is entrusted to us, we must do our best to do it well, and we cannot let Prince Lian find out our faults."

Although Cao Tong was upset, he couldn't refute it. Among the three, Yin Yixuan was born as the number one scholar and had his back in the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion, while Ning Yu's father was also a second-rank official in the dynasty. In front of the two of them, they unconsciously became shorter.

They say yes, how can he say no?
Yin Yixuan said: "Don't be in a hurry to write, let's go to see other palaces, and it won't be too late to write after reading."

"That's okay." Cao Tong responded with a smile.

The attendants of the three hurriedly put away the pens, ink, papers and inkstones in the pavilion, and followed the master around the harem. This is a rare opportunity, so don't take a good look at it, and there will be no such opportunities in the future.

"Ahead is Ziyu Palace. I heard that this is the residence of Empress Zidie." Ning Yu pointed to the plaque of Ziyu Palace.

Yin Yixuan didn't follow his line of sight. His eyes were attracted by a court lady. Although it was just a profile and a back view, he knew that it was Rongyue, it must be Rongyue.

(End of this chapter)

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