Chapter 509
Chapter 510

"For my own good? Yin Yixuan, are you teasing me? You know that I want to marry Zhongwen, but you are doing tricks behind the scenes, taking advantage of Zhongwen's absence, and using force to force me to submit. Is this for my own good? Thank you You, please stop being nice to me, okay?"

Yin Yixuan's face was embarrassed, and he suddenly came back to his senses. Rong Yue seemed to deliberately change the topic. She didn't answer his previous question directly. Why did she sneak into the palace?And why did she come out of Ziyu Palace disguised as a court lady?What on earth is she trying to do?doing what?
"Rongyue, I don't care what you do in the palace today or what you want to do in the future, just remember, I, Yin Yixuan, will always stand by your side and support you in whatever you do. If you have any difficulties, just come to me , I will never refuse."

By saying that, does he mean that he is willing to leave this matter behind?

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, her brows were still cold: "It's getting late, you should go back earlier, so that Mrs. Yin won't worry about you." Mrs. Yin must have rushed over from Pengcheng when she said that there was a wedding.

Yin Yixuan's face was full of joy, and he said with a smile: "Then I'll go first and see you tomorrow." He could feel that Rong Yue's attitude towards him had changed.

Qi Rongyue lowered her eyes to drink tea and didn't respond to him. She didn't raise her eyes until his figure left the hall. The light in her eyes was uncertain, and she was thinking a lot. It's hard to say whether Yin Yixuan will be an enemy or a friend in the future. She held on to this fire, but how long he could hold on to it, and whether he would use this matter as a threat, was still unknown.

The next morning, Prince Lian's Mansion, Shuangxin Pavilion.

"Father, look at my face, how can I go out to meet people?" Chu Tianxin was crying in front of the dressing table, the distressed Chu Lian was at a loss, turned to the pale Lian'er and said: "You guys How did you serve the princess? The princess is so good, why did she suddenly contract this disease?"

Lian'er knelt down on the ground with a 'plop', she was already numb to the pain in her knees: "Slaves deserve to die, please forgive me, my lord."

Chu Lian snorted coldly: "You don't regret dying, say, before the princess fell ill, who came to see the princess?"

Lian'er shook her head: "My lord, no one has visited the princess in the mansion recently, and the princess has never been out of the mansion, and her life is going on as usual. For some reason, a rash suddenly appeared on her face."

Chu Lian asked again: "Didn't Ms. Qi come to see her? She can't be cured either? Didn't she cure this disease once before? Why is it so serious now?"

Lian'er said: "Miss Qi said in Jincheng that although the princess has been cured of this illness, she must not do it again, otherwise it will definitely be more serious and difficult to treat than last time."

"Didn't she find out the reason? Why did the princess suddenly fall ill?" Chu Lian asked.

Lian'er shook her head: "Miss Qi said that the princess has a special constitution and her skin is very sensitive. Even emotional instability and a bad mood can become the cause of illness."

Chu Lian suddenly said: "So, this disease is not only a physical disease, but also a heart disease?"

Lian'er didn't make a sound, and Chu Tianxin, who was crying on the dressing table, didn't cry anymore, it seemed that the two of them were waiting for Chu Lian to make a decision.

Chu Lian glanced at his daughter, and said: "Xin'er, don't worry, let alone a man, even if you want the moon in the sky, the father will find a way to get it for you, just wait, the father will let you Min Hengzhi returned to Beijing early."

Chu Tian was overjoyed at first, but when he thought of Min Hengzhi's intention to please her last time, his heart sank again. Before she could say no, his father strode out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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