Chapter 518 Scars
Chapter 519

She didn't say much, just took out a bottle of plaster from the medicine box, and handed it to Lian'er: "This is the best wound medicine, you can use it, if you don't treat it well, you may leave a lot on your body." scar."

Lian'er looked at Qi Rongyue in surprise, she thought she was not particularly kind to Qi Rongyue, plus the various embarrassments that Princess Tianxin had made for Qi Rongyue in Jincheng before, she even faintly felt that Qi Rongyue treated Qi Rongyue in a vague way. Princess Tianxin is so dissatisfied, why should she help her?She is just a servant girl.

Lian'er was a little hesitant, should he take this bottle of medicine?
Qi Rongyue is a goddess doctor, the medicine she dispenses is naturally excellent, if you can get it, it would be great, but why?Why did she give such a precious medicine to a little maid?

Seeing that she didn't answer, Qi Rongyue withdrew her hand and said with a smile: "It seems that you are determined to leave scars on your body."

When Lianer heard this, she quickly stretched out her hand: "No, no, I want, I want."

Qi Rongyue handed the ointment to her, and said with a smile: "You don't need to be burdened, I won't take a bottle of ointment to threaten you to do something you don't want to do, don't worry."

Lianer took it with both hands, grateful: "Thank you."

Qi Rongyue waved her hand: "You're welcome, before your princess wakes up, go to the next room and get some medicine."

Lian'er glanced at Princess Tianxin again, seeing that she didn't show signs of waking up, so she turned and went to the next room.

After Lian'er left, Qi Rongyue took two steps forward and sat beside Chu Tianxin's bed, took out two silver needles from her sleeve pocket, and inserted them into her temples on both sides.

After a few breaths, he pulled out the needle and retreated, as if nothing had happened.

After Lian'er took the good medicine, Qi Rongyue asked Lian'er to pinch Chu Tianxin, Chu Tianxin woke up slowly.

The pain on the face was no longer so severe with the removal of the medical towel, but it was still hot and uncomfortable like a fire.

The first thing she did when she recovered was to yell for Lian Er to fetch the mirror.

This time, Lian'er did not hesitate, and quickly brought the mirror over. Chu Tianxin looked at himself in the mirror. Although there were still sporadically scattered red rashes on his face, it was much better than three days ago. It seems that the medicine is indeed It works, she has now completely believed Qi Rongyue's words, as long as she goes through seven courses of treatment, all these rashes on her face will definitely disappear.

Lian'er smiled and said: "Princess, your face will be cured soon."

Chu Tianxin also smiled and said: "Miss Qi's medical skills are really good. After my face is cured, I will definitely be rewarded."

Big reward?Qi Rongyue thought of Chu Lian's so-called heavy reward before, and rewarded her with a man. Knowing that she and Zhong Wen were in love, and had met the elders, he still beat the mandarin ducks and forcibly tied her and Yin Yixuan together. This is Chu Lian. Lian's so-called heavy reward.


Qi Rongyue said in a low voice: "Ministers are doctors, and it is the duty of a commoner to practice medicine and cure diseases, and there is no need for any rewards."

Chu Tianxin put down the mirror, got out of the bed, walked slowly to Qi Rongyue, carefully looked at her delicate and smooth face, and once again wanted to cut this face with a knife impulse.

"Miss Qi, you don't have to be so polite. This princess said she would reward you, so she will definitely reward you." She smiled, with arrogance and wantonness in her eyes, the complacency and pride of a superior looking at a lowly person.

Qi Rongyue no longer refuses, anyway it is useless to refuse, Chu Tianxin has already made up his mind to harm her, so it is useless for her to say more.

(End of this chapter)

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