Chapter 531 Two Battle Reports
Chapter 532

Chu Lian glanced at Min Hengzhi, picked up the two battle reports on the imperial table, and handed them to the eunuch who was waiting beside him: "Hengzhi, take a look at these two battle reports."

The eunuch took the battle report and delivered it to Min Hengzhi.

After Min Hengzhi took a closer look, he immediately understood that Chu Lian had doubts in his heart, but there was no conclusive evidence. He was called now, firstly to understand Zheng Zhongwen's situation, combined with analysis, and secondly to hear his opinion view.

With an idea in his mind, he deliberately frowned and said, "These two battle reports were sent to the capital on the same day, and the contents inside are similar, and the situation described is basically the same. On the surface, it seems reasonable, but if you think about it carefully——"

He cut off his words and looked up at Chu Lian. ,

Chu Lian hurriedly asked: "How about thinking about it?"

Min Hengzhi lowered his voice by three points, and said: "Longxi is thousands of miles away from the capital, and they are located on a battlefield full of smoldering flames. No one knows what they are doing every day. This battle report seems to have no What is the problem? On the contrary, I think the problem is very big, but we have no evidence, and we can't make random guesses. If we guess right, it's fine. If we guess wrong, it will inevitably chill the hearts of Lord Zheng and the soldiers stationed in Longxi. "

Chu Lian raised his eyebrows and kept nodding: "What you said is very reasonable. You really can't make random guesses. If you chill the hearts of the soldiers who go to battle every day to kill the enemy, the consequences will be unimaginable. But once you have suspicions, if you don't investigate When the truth comes out, I really can't be at ease in my heart."

He looked at Min Hengzhi again, and asked, "In your opinion, what should we do about this?"

How could Min Hengzhi not know, at this moment in Chu Lian's heart, he had actually made a decision, asking him like this was just trying to express it through his mouth.

He smiled lightly and said: "This matter is easy to handle. You send someone you trust to go to Longxi, and the matter will be cleared up?"

The smile on Chu Lian's face grew thicker, and he simply said: "The person I trust most now is not you. I originally planned to let you marry Xin'er, but I deliberately didn't send you an errand, and Jincheng didn't let you go back. In the event of a national funeral, the marriage can't be done, and you're just free, why don't you take this trip for me."

Min Hengzhi couldn't get what he wanted, so he hurriedly got up and was about to accept the order, but he heard Chu Tianxin's voice drifting in: "No, no, Hengzhi can't go to Longxi."

She had been hiding outside the door to eavesdrop, and finally couldn't help but rushed in when she heard this, and yelled at Chu Lian as soon as she entered.

Chu Lian also really loves this daughter. Chu Tianxin broke in so rudely, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "Xin'er is here, come here quickly, and sit by my side."

Chu Tianxin ignored him, walked up to Min Hengzhi, and shouted: "I don't allow you to go to Longxi, and you are not allowed to leave the capital."

Min Hengzhi was full of embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "Princess, I am a man, and a man's ambition is everywhere. If the emperor can use me, I will do my best to serve the emperor. The love between children will last forever. I hope the princess will understand."

Chu Lian hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes, Hengzhi is right. A man with ambitions everywhere, staying in the mansion all day with nothing to do, what does it sound like? Besides, Hengzhi is all-rounder in civil and military affairs, if he really only wants to be a Wouldn't it be a waste of talent to be idle as a prince or to attach horses leisurely?"

Chu Tianxin understood very well in his heart that Min Hengzhi's words were half true and half false, he didn't treat her wholeheartedly, let alone submit to his father wholeheartedly, what was he planning in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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