Chapter 536 Useless
Chapter 537

No matter how vicious and cold Liang's heart is, she is still a mother, how can she withstand her daughter's begging for life and death.

She finally gritted her teeth: "Xue'er, mother promises you that she will help you fulfill your wish, and will never let you marry someone surnamed Sun."

Qi Rongxue stopped crying, and grabbed her mother's arm: "Mother, are you serious? Will you really help me? I don't want to marry someone surnamed Sun, I want to marry Mr. Yin, even if I can't be a regular wife , I am willing to be a concubine, as long as I can stay by his side, I am willing to do anything."

Mrs. Liang let out a long sigh. She hugged her daughter into her arms, stroked her back lightly, and murmured softly: "Infatuation has always been misunderstood by ruthlessness since ancient times. You are so infatuated with him. He may not be able to understand this infatuation." Looking at it, even if you entered their Yin family's door as you wished, you may not have an easy life in the future."

How could Qi Rongxue listen to these things, her mind was only on Yin Yixuan, and she couldn't care about the future at all.

"Mother, don't worry, I won't treat myself badly. Mr. Yin is a gentle and modest Mr. He is definitely different from others. I believe he is a good match who will love others."

She was so hot, Liang could only feel anxious when she saw it, and it was useless to say anything, she could only sigh to cover up her worry, since she chose this path, then she will help her realize this wish, Her whole life was ruined, her son became like this, and her daughter was forced to marry a man surnamed Sun. If she couldn't think about it for a while, then she really didn't know what it was like to live in this world.

"Mother, how are you going to help me?" Qi Rongxue asked excitedly.

Mrs. Liang shook her head: "I haven't made up my mind yet. In this way, you go with your father to meet that surnamed Sun today. You don't have to behave too well, especially when your father avoids you with excuses, you can let him treat you You have made some bad impressions, if he can take the initiative to give up this marriage, it would be great, if he refuses to give up, we will find another way at that time, now the national funeral, marriage is forbidden, there is still a long time Days can turn things around."

Qi Rongxue nodded: "That's right, then I'll deal with him."

The mother and daughter were busy in the house for a while, choosing a dark peach red embroidered green leaf top for Qi Rongxue, paired with a navy blue pleated skirt underneath, wearing a double ring bun, no makeup applied, the dark pink top was lined with The small face is dull and dull, the long navy blue dress looks old-fashioned, and the double ring bun is also a hairstyle that has long been out of fashion in Kyoto, which conceals her usual gorgeous color, and looks like a small family in a small family. Female.

Seeing his daughter dressed like this, Qi Yongchun immediately frowned, but seeing her red eyes again, he finally said nothing.

South of the city - Cuijun Tower.

This is the most famous tea house in the city of Kyoto. There are [-] first-class tea masters in the tea house, and three super-class tea masters. Most people can't drink the tea that the masters drink, and it's hard to meet them.

Mr. Sun is a frequent visitor in Cuijun Tower, and he is also the one who decided to meet here.

He came to Cuijun Tower one step ahead of Qi Yongchun, when the little girl saw him, she hurriedly greeted him with a smile: "Master Sun is here, please come in quickly."

Mr. Sun glanced at the hall, where there were more than a dozen tea tables, almost all of them were occupied. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Are there still private rooms upstairs?"

Xiaoer hurriedly said: "Yes, there is, and there is the last one. What a coincidence that you came."

(End of this chapter)

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