Chapter 543
Chapter 544

Not all the spectators were invited by Qi Yongchun with money. Of course, this kind of thing can't be too obvious. Among the twenty or so gossips, only a few people were sent by the Qi mansion to create momentum. Among these people, there is even someone from Pengcheng who knows everything about the Qi family so well.

Seeing the two of them sticking to each other, the gossip people were a little confused, not knowing who to listen to, after all, they were not very familiar with Master Qi and Miss Qi.

"The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is right. What you say is completely different. Who should we believe? Why don't you show evidence, otherwise this will become a family matter that cannot be resolved by an upright official."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Some people's housework is indeed difficult for an upright official to judge, but some people's housework is clear at a glance." He turned sideways, pointed at Qi Yongchun who was sitting in the hall, and said: "As far as I know, After Ms. Qi was kicked out of the house by the Qi family, she opened Rongyutang in Pengcheng. The business was still good, but she was framed by Mr. Qi and his stepmother several times, and even almost killed her. To avoid trouble, Ms. Qi went to After leaving Pengcheng and living in Jincheng, she completely severed contact with Lord Qi, but who knows, it’s not as good as God, Miss Qi was summoned by the emperor to Beijing to treat her illness, Lord Qi also just moved to Beijing, and We met a few months ago, if Mr. Qi wanted to take Miss Qi back to the mansion, why did he wait until now? He also deliberately let out rumors to let everyone join in the fun, and invited one or two people with good tongues to put everything together. The fault is all on Ms. Qi. If Ms. Qi agrees to go back home with him today, it is because he has a big heart and doesn't care about past suspicions. If Ms. Qi doesn't want to go back with him, I will let you gossips spread her disobedience in the capital. Unrighteousness, bad reputation, vicious intentions, terrific thought."

When everyone heard this, they felt like a mirror in their hearts. Why did they appear here today?Wasn't it because someone mentioned this matter in front of them, and deliberately yelled about how righteous and clean Mr. Qi is, saying that they must come to join in the fun, so they came to have a look. Now that I think about it, this is clearly Someone did it on purpose.

At some point behind the young man, a woman and an old man squeezed up. Seeing that the momentum was not good, the two hurriedly smiled and smoothed things over and said: "If you want me to tell you, this is all the housework of Mr. Qi's family. Let's get together." What are you mumbling about here? Besides, in this world, there is no overnight feud between father and daughter, if they can reconcile, it would be great, don't you think?"

The uproar outside naturally also spread into the hall, Qi Yongchun's face was red and white, very exciting, he took a look at Liang Shi, and blamed her for not doing a good job, Liang Shi bit his lip and couldn't help it. She didn't dare to look him in the eyes, how could she have expected that Chen Yaojin would come out halfway.

Qi Rongyue sat down calmly, took the tea served by the girls, took a sip, and said with a faint smile: "This is the tip of hair that the emperor rewarded you, you can try it."

Qi Yongchun's complexion became more and more uneasy. He has been an official for so many years, but he has never received a reward from the emperor. He has been in the inspector's office for so long, and the emperor has never looked at him seriously, let alone a reward.

He laughed dryly twice, and said to Qi Rongyue: "Rongyue, let's stop talking about the past and go home with Dad."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows, and looked at Qi Yongchun with an unnatural expression in her eyes: "Master Qi, I can't stand you calling yourself my father. Although my surname, Qi Rongyue, is Qi, I am no longer Qi Yongchun's Qi." , This is what you said yourself, could it be that you got amnesia at a young age?"

(End of this chapter)

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