Chapter 545 You're Unworthy

Chapter 546

"I left Pengcheng for Jincheng, didn't he know? Did he come to me this year? Did he care about my life? Now I have gained some face in front of the emperor and the princess, and I was married by the emperor The Yin family, he remembered that there is still a daughter like me?"

Every word she said was like a resounding slap on Qi Yongchun's face.

The common people watching the excitement outside the door cast contemptuous eyes on Qi Yongchun after hearing this, and cursed and made him feel even more ashamed.

Qi Rongxue, who had been silent all this time, saw that things were about to go bad, so she got up and yelled: "Eldest sister, you can't talk nonsense, who said that our father never went to you, but you didn't know it, and your father is also a boring gourd." , I have a habit of being bored in my heart when I have something, and I don’t want to say it, and I don’t want to say what I have done. Think about it, you can develop so well in Jincheng, it’s not all because of your father behind your back. If there is no father , you are a girl’s family, not to mention opening a medical center in Jincheng, even on the way from Pengcheng to Jincheng, it will not be peaceful, it’s because Dad sent someone to protect you in secret.”

When it comes to the ability to tell lies with open eyes, Qi Rongyue only obeys Qi Rongxue, she is simply a master.

Xue'er really couldn't listen anymore, she walked up to Qi Rongxue and said angrily: "I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen shameless people like you, okay, since you said Mr. Qi I have sent someone to help us, so let me ask you, which way did my lady go from Pengcheng to Jincheng? Was it land or water? How many days did she walk on the road? What happened?"

Qi Rongxue was tongue-tied and speechless, Xue'er said again: "You said that we opened a medical clinic in Jincheng, and Master Qi secretly helped us, so let me ask you, where did we open a medical clinic in Jincheng?" ? Is the house bought or rented?"

Qi Rongxue gritted her teeth and said, "Who remembers what happened so long ago? You are clearly making things difficult for others."

Xue'er snorted coldly: "I see that you are talking nonsense, you are really thick-skinned, and the fact that there is no shadow makes you say it as if it is true."

Qi Yongchun glared at Qi Rongxue, and said displeasedly: "What are you talking so much to a servant? Pay attention to your own identity."

When Xue'er heard the words of referring to Sang and scolding Huai, her anger became more and more furious, and she was about to turn around and fight Qi Yongchun again, but Qi Rongyue said: "Xue'er, why do you have to be so fussy with such a villain?" , can't do it."

Xue'er turned her bright eyes and said with a smile: "That's right, if I was bitten by a mad dog, can I bite back again? Then wouldn't I also become a mad dog?"

Qi Yongchun's face turned pale, in front of Qi Rongyue, he never seemed to take advantage of it, and was easily irritated by her every time, and a few words could completely break the mask he worked so hard to maintain.

Qi Rongyue turned her eyes to stare at Qi Yongchun, lowered her voice and said: "You don't need to waste your time, you and I will never be father and daughter again in this life, you are not worthy, you are not even worthy to stand in front of me and be with me Speaking of which, I hope today is the last time we meet, even if we meet in the capital city in the future, I hope you can pretend that you don't know me."

Before Qi Yongchun got mad, she said again: "I might as well tell you, I will not marry Yin Yixuan, if you want to climb up to the Marquis of Wenchang, don't work hard on me, you should think of another way out." While speaking, her eyes fell on Qi Rongxue, the meaning was self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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