Chapter 547 Nima Country

Chapter 548

As Jian Yun expected, as soon as he entered the Ziyan Mountain, dozens of soldiers with weapons rushed out from behind the hidden rocks, and dozens of soldiers with bows and arrows hid among the rocks. Arrows were aimed at them one after another.

The leader shouted to Zheng Zhongwen: "Who? What? What? Where are you going?"

Before Zheng Zhongwen could make a sound, Mr. Wan hurriedly took a step forward and said with a smile on his face: "Masters, we are a caravan delivering goods to Nima Country. We are passing through here. Please forgive us for disturbing us. "

With spare time, Mr. Wan tore off an embroidered money bag from his waist. The money bag was full of scattered silver, and stuffed one handful into the hands of the soldiers. Have some tea."

The soldier was obviously used to it, he weighed the money bag in his hand, and smiled with satisfaction on his brows and eyes: "He is a sensible man, let's go, Nishui Bay is ahead, go get water. "

There are very few such merchants recently. The desert has entered the wind season, which is very dangerous. Experienced caravans will not deliver goods at this time. To deliver goods now is tantamount to sending them to death. They are guarding this Ziyan Mountain. It's been a while since I've tasted the sweetness, and this merchant is so generous today, they are naturally happy, they didn't even bother to check the goods, and let them go.

They arrived at Nishui Bay smoothly, filled the water bags they had prepared long ago, bought more than a dozen camels, and brought dry food. They left Nishui Bay on the same day and went to camp at the entrance of the desert.

The next day, 22 elite cavalry guards passed through Ziyan Mountain, fetched water to buy camels, and rushed to the camp to join them as soon as they were ready. On the fifth day, Zheng Zhongwen ordered everyone to prepare their luggage. They set off immediately, but the last 18 people who were supposed to come to meet at the end of the day did not appear for a long time. Until the third quarter of the hour, they saw three young men covered in blood running towards them desperately. Behind them, A dozen soldiers with long knives were chasing after him.

Zheng Zhongwen raised his hand and said: "You go first, I will save them."

Chu Tianqi hurriedly said: "I will go too."

Zheng Zhongwen picked him up and threw him onto the camel, shouting: "Go quickly."

Jian Yun pulled out the soft sword at his waist, and sighed: "It seems that our whereabouts have been exposed. If this is the case, then we should simply kill and don't have to worry about it."

Mr. Wan looked worried, but he didn't doubt Jian Yun's skill, but she had been getting sick more and more frequently recently, if she suddenly fell ill while facing the enemy, the consequences would be——.

Jian Yun glared at him, and said angrily: "I'm not dead yet, who is your dead face for? Why don't you go away?" As she spoke, she glanced at the two fine cavalry guards on the side. After following Jian Yun for a long time, he knew what she meant, and immediately stepped forward to hold Mr. Wan in his arms, and forcibly led him into the desert.

Zheng Zhongwen and Jian Yun rushed to the back of the three fine cavalry guards covered in blood, and said to them: "You go first, we will cut off the rear."

The three fine cavalry guards looked grateful. They were soldiers and masters, but they were willing to use their bodies to stand in front of these soldiers. They would die for such a person, even if they died immediately, they would have no regrets.

With Zheng Zhongwen and Jian Yun's skills, it was easy to deal with a dozen small soldiers. In less than half an hour, more than half of the dozen pursuers were killed or injured. Seeing that the momentum was not good, two of them fled quickly and saved their lives. .

(End of this chapter)

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