Chapter 550 Hidden emotions

Chapter 551

"There seems to be something like Mo Bei written on it, I didn't see it too clearly, I thought it looked familiar at the time, but I didn't remember it was him for a while, no, I have to tell my father." Chu Tianxin said in a hurry He ran out of the Hall of Two Hearts.

Qi Rongyue's heart was beating wildly, it seemed that this day had come earlier than she imagined.

Chu Tianxin ran away, and the maids in the main hall turned to work in the inner hall. Seeing that there was no one around, she took out a porcelain bottle from the medicine box, and scattered the white powder in the bottle into the two halls in the hall. Inside the vase, when I turned around, I saw a young man standing at the gate of the hall, that man's eyes were fixed on the porcelain vase in her hand, and he said in a deep voice, "Miss Qi, what are you doing?"

She recognized that young man, he was Chu Lian's trusted bodyguard, he seemed to be skilled and clever, Chu Lian seemed to trust him very much, and he entrusted many errands to him.

She concealed the shock in her eyes, calmly put the porcelain bottle into the medicine box, and said with a smile: "I think the flowers in the Princess Palace are about to die, so I sprinkled some medicine on them to keep them blooming for a few more days. "

"Really?" The young man obviously didn't believe her, but he didn't question her any more. He glanced into the hall and asked no trace of Chu Tianxin, "Where's the princess?"

"I'm going to the imperial study." She picked up the medicine box, walked slowly to the young man, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Is your name Li Ku? I know you are not willing to serve the emperor." I'm just like you, too."

There are some things that don't need to be said too much, those who understand will understand a little bit, and those who don't understand, if they say too much, it will be a bad thing.

Li Ku looked at the back of Qi Rongyue Shi Shiran leaving, his face was condensed and thoughtful.

He actually didn't like Qi Rongyue, and even hated her because she cured Chu Lian's leg.

But what was she doing just now?If he read it correctly, she seemed to have spilled something suspicious into the vase, why would she do that?
What did she mean by what she just said?Say hello to him?Or a demonstration?Did she want to tell him that the emotions he had been trying to hide had already been exposed to others?

He and Qi Rongyue haven't met many times, how did she discover his hidden emotions?
Qi Rongyue's heart was also up and down, as to whether Li Ku would stand on the same side with her, she was not very sure, relying on it was just speculation.


Imperial study room

"Father, I know who that person is."

Before Chu Tianxin arrived, the voice came first. As soon as he rushed into the imperial study, he saw Min Hengzhi standing in front of the imperial table, reaching out to take the portrait that Chu Lian handed over.

Chu Lian glared at Chu Tianxin, and said displeasedly: "Look at what you look like, the way you bluff all day long makes people laugh."

Chu Tianxin's face was reddish, and he said softly: "Oh, am I in a hurry? I saw this portrait just now, and I didn't remember who it was for a moment, but it seemed familiar. When I returned to the Hall of Two Hearts, it happened that Qi Rongyue entered Gong checked my pulse, and I remembered her as soon as I saw her."

Chu Lian became interested: "Oh? So, do you know the person in this portrait?"

Without waiting for Chu Tianxin to answer, Min Hengzhi said first, "I also know him."

Hearing this, Chu Lian had a strange feeling in his heart. Tian Xin said he knew, maybe he was talking nonsense, but Min Hengzhi said he knew, but he is not a person who can talk nonsense.

Min Hengzhi pointed to the man on the portrait and said: "This is Zheng Shizi. I didn't expect to hear from him for a long time, but he actually went to Mobei. Could it be that there are also bandits in Mobei?"

(End of this chapter)

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