Chapter 554 Layout
Chapter 555

Min Hengzhi invited himself to go to Longxi to carry out a secret mission. He also had selfish intentions and wanted to remind Lord Zheng Hou.

It's a pity, in order to take into account his daughter's emotions, Chu Lian refused to agree, and let him just stay in Beijing and do some non-dangerous things.

It was the Crane Tower again, Min Hengzhi told Qi Rongyue about Chu Lian's layout, and he proposed to send someone to send a letter to Longxi, but was stopped by Qi Rongyue.

"You know more about Chu Lian than I do. The Yongping Hou Mansion suddenly went empty. He must know that there are traitors around him. Everyone is the object of his suspicion, including you. Now send someone to deliver the letter." , Isn’t it self-inflicted?”

Min Hengzhi suddenly understood, nodded and said: "That's true, when I went out today, two more masters followed secretly, and it took me a lot of effort to get rid of them."

"Go back, don't meet again for a while, remember, no matter what happens to me, don't speak for me in front of Chu Lian, let alone mention me in front of Chu Tianxin, otherwise my situation will be even more difficult .”

Min Hengzhi understood her worry: "Okay, I will do it, then I will go first, and you should be more careful."

When Min Hengzhi walked to the door, Qi Rongyue hurriedly called him: "Wait."

He turned around and looked at her face that hesitated to speak, the melancholy in those eyes couldn't be hidden: "What's wrong?"

She frowned and said in a low voice: "Recently, is there any news about Brother Qi and the others?"

There was expectation and worry in her eyes, he didn't want to let her down, but he had to let her down.

"No, but Chu Lian didn't find them either, so I guess they're safe."

She nodded, the expected answer, but she didn't give up, she still wanted to ask.


The news of Master Zheng's rebellion spread quickly in the capital city, and Qi Yongchun was extremely thankful that Qi Rongyue did not go back to the Qi Mansion with him, otherwise, if Qi Rongyue was forced to sit down because of Zheng Zhongwen, their entire Qi family would not be able to escape. But now he can stay out of the matter and has nothing to do with him at all.

The most shocking thing is Yin Yixuan. He has known Zheng Zhongwen for many years and knows his temperament very well. Zheng Zhongwen is not a person who is greedy for power. , Among them, what happened that he didn't know?

Xingyuan Street

"Miss, Mr. Yin is here." Xue'er came in from the outside, and said to Qi Rongyue who was dispensing medicine.

Qi Rongyue didn't raise her head, she just said in a low voice, "It's not too late, let him in."

In the past few days, there have been many people in the courtyard, and all of them showed their kung fu, and they no longer let her go out, and put her directly under house arrest in this house. Yin Yixuan's ability to come in obviously has the approval of Chu Lian, otherwise the few guards A guard, it is impossible to let go.

"Rongyue—" he quickly stepped inside, saw Qi Rongyue who was concentrating on weighing the medicine, and hurriedly called out.

She put the weighed medicine into the box, put down the small scale in her hand, and looked up at him: "Young Master Yin."

He quickly walked up to her and sat down. Seeing that her expression was normal and there was nothing wrong with her, he felt at ease, and then asked, "Rong Yue, are you okay?" There were many people in the courtyard , the atmosphere is not quite right, he can tell at a glance.

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "You've seen the good and the bad, house arrest, I can't die for the time being."

"Rongyue, you don't have to pretend to be relaxed in front of me, I will help you, with me here, the emperor will definitely not blame you." Yin Yixuan hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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