Chapter 558

Chapter 559

At this time, there was a groaning sound from the corner of the cell. It was an old woman who seemed to be enduring great pain and couldn't bear it until she yelled out.

There were three people curled up in the corner, and the one who made the sound was the one sleeping in the innermost part, and the person next to her got up when he heard the sound, and helped the woman up with one hand: "Nurse, is it starting to hurt again? "

The person sleeping on the outermost side also sat up, rubbed his eyes with his backhand, and asked, "What's wrong, Mammy?"

Qi Rongyue's heart was beating wildly, desperately trying to suppress the ecstasy surging in her heart, she thought they were all dead, wet nurse, Yuxi and Yulan.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they were right about the voice, absolutely right about them.

She got up, pretending to be calm, walked slowly in front of the three people, and said: "I am a doctor, let me have a look."

Yuxi, who was supporting Nanny Sang, looked at Qi Rongyue suspiciously, wondering, "Are you a doctor? Are you from the imperial hospital?"

She shook her head, looking at the skinny Yuxi, who used to be so clean, but now she has become this kind of Yulan, the nurse who is in charge of the first palace, what a beauty she used to be, but now—her eyes are red , holding back tears: "I'm not from the imperial hospital, I'm a private doctor with fair medical skills, let me see for her."

Yuxi didn't believe her: "You are a private doctor, how could you be imprisoned in heaven?"

Yuxi is still the same as before, delicate and thoughtful, not credulous, and acts prudently.

She smiled: "I offended Chu Lian, he didn't like me, so he came in."

Yuxi and Yulan exchanged glances, both felt that the girl in front of them was not normal, how could anyone be able to laugh when they were imprisoned in the sky prison?She doesn't look like she's in jail at all, laughing or crying?

Qi Rongyue said: "The most important thing is to treat the patients. Besides, if I lie to you, I won't get any benefit. Why bother?"

Yuxi nodded: "It's true, we are all like this, even if we die, no one will ask more questions, you really don't need to lie to us." She supported Sang Nanny against the wall, and moved her body away: " I'm tired."

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly at her, leaned forward and sat where she had been sitting before.

Yuxi was surprised, and thought to herself, this girl who looks very clean and beautiful, doesn't think they are dirty at all?
And why did her eyes give her a feeling of deja vu?

After Qi Rongyue took the pulse for Nanny Sang, she quickly laid her flat on the ground again, stretched out her fingers and pressed her abdomen, the pain made Nanny Sang cry out loudly.

Seeing this, Yulan hurriedly stopped Qi Rongyue, and shouted: "What did you do to her? She didn't hurt so much just now, why is it hurting so much now?"

Qi Rongyue withdrew her hand, her face was solemn and her eyes were sad: "She won't last long with this illness."

She remembered that Nanny Sang had been in poor health. Before she left Beijing, she had invited an imperial doctor for her. The imperial doctor prescribed a lot of medicine, but she found it troublesome and refused to take it. Now that she thinks about it, she must have been ill for a long time , the root of the disease has fallen, coupled with the heavy humidity in this prison, the cold winter and summer heat, the disease is rapidly deteriorating, and now it is terminally ill, not to mention her, even if the master comes in person, it cannot be cured .

"Girl, what's wrong with Nanny Sang?" Yuxi grabbed Qi Rongyue's hand and asked anxiously.

Qi Rongyue looked at the half-conscious nurse with sad eyes, as if thousands of needles were pricking her.

(End of this chapter)

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