Chapter 565

Chapter 566

Zheng Zhongwen and others hurried over, and saw that the complexion of the fallen person had begun to turn purple, which was obviously a symptom of poisoning.

Jian Yun stepped forward, pulled away the man's hand protecting the calf, and tore off the trouser leg that was stained with blood. There were two obvious blood holes on the calf, and the surrounding flesh had begun to swell and swell .

Dina said in surprise, "It's a sand scorpion."

When Zheng Zhongwen heard this, he hurriedly said to the Jingqi guards who retreated: "Don't stand still, look for it quickly, only by finding the sand scorpion can save his life."

Only then did everyone come back to their senses, remembering what Miss Dina had said before, they hurriedly dispersed and began to search for the sand scorpions.

Although Jian Yun's acupuncture skills are wonderful, and there are more than ten kinds of detoxification pills in the package, none of them can cure the poison of the sand scorpion. The wonderful acupuncture skills can only temporarily protect his heart, and the sand scorpion that bit someone It has completely disappeared from everyone's sight, and can no longer be found.

Chu Tianqi looked at the originally fresh life gradually losing its vitality. He was in a hurry, pointed to the sand dune and said, "Didn't you just say that there will be sand scorpions in it? We will definitely find sand scorpions if we dig this sand dune." of."

Dina shook her head: "What's the use of finding the sand scorpion? If it wasn't for the one that bit him, it would be useless at all. Instead, it would put all of us in danger."

The toxicity of the sand scorpion is very special. The poison on each sand scorpion is different. Only the scorpion tail shell on the biting sand scorpion can detoxify.

"I'm out of breath—" Mr. Wan retracted his fingers from the man's nose, shook his head and sighed.

Zhongwen knelt down and stroked the young man's staring eyes. Before the pain in his eyes dissipated, his life had completely disappeared.

Jian Yun took a deep breath, turned around and said to the elite cavalry guards: "Brothers, this is a place where sand scorpions and sand snakes frequently appear, everyone must be extremely careful, and you must not slack in the slightest. Stay vigilant anytime and anywhere, if you are bitten by sand scorpions Now, don't panic, you must grab that sand scorpion, only in this way can you save your life."

In the evening, when Dina said these words, they didn't take them seriously. Only after experiencing this kind of thing will they know how powerful it is.

"Have you remembered?" Jian Yun's cold voice rose again, and everyone responded in unison: "Remember."

The night wind was getting stronger and stronger. They wanted to avoid the sand dunes that the sand scorpions often haunted, but they had no other way. If they left here and went to rest in a place without sand dunes, they would probably be buried by the wind and sand. It's a starless and moonless night, and it's easy to lose your way if you don't move around.

The night in the desert is extremely long. Even though the body and mind are exhausted, no one dares to close their eyes to rest. Even if the eyes are closed, the sand scorpion will suddenly come out and bite them. take the risk.

The sky was about to light up, and everyone lamented that this terrible night was finally over. They would rather face the extremely vicious sand wolf than be an enemy of the elusive sand scorpion.

The originally quiet crowd suddenly started commotion, and the people sitting around the fire quickly dispersed, and someone screamed: "It's a sand scorpion, there are a lot of sand scorpions."

Chu Tianqi, who was leaning against Zheng Zhongwen and had just fallen asleep in a daze, woke up immediately, got up and wanted to rush forward, but Zheng Zhongwen grabbed him: "You are not allowed to go, stand farther away."

Chu Tianqi bit his lip, knowing that Zhongwen was doing it for his own good, and he just wanted to protect him, but he really didn't want to hide behind them in case of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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