Chapter 579 Ask for some help

Chapter 580

Papa Di was not too surprised. He had some business dealings with many caravans that traveled through the desert. The caravans were not small, and dozens of people were not uncommon.

He said proudly: "It's okay, we still have food in the warehouse, Dina, go and get it out, and treat everyone well."

When Lu Yilian heard this, she was very anxious: "The head of the family, this is absolutely unacceptable. You gave them all the food, so how will we spend this winter?"

Papa Di glared at her, and said angrily, "Why can't we live? Our family is just a few people, and we can live no matter what. Even if we don't have enough food, what's the point of going to other places that have food in stock to buy some emergency supplies?" Disaster?"

Dina also gave Lu Yilian a sideways look, and said coldly: "Father is right, don't make small calculations, they are all our family's life-saving benefactors, what is eating this kind of food?"

Jian Yun also hated Lu Yilian so much that she didn't even want to look at her, so she just said to Dina, "Dina, don't worry, although we don't have dry food on us, we still have the money to buy dry food." , she winked at Mr. Wan.

Mr. Wan understood, stepped forward, and took out a money bag from his arms, which contained a whole bag of gold leaves. Lu Yilian's eyes were straightened, she had never seen so much gold in her life.

What Mr. Wan carried the most, besides a large number of banknotes, was the gold leaf.

People living in the desert seldom go out. Apart from the usual barter, gold leaves and silver anklets are the most popular possessions, but silver tickets are useless to them.

Dina was ashamed to accept so much money, so she quickly said no.

But Lu Yilian rushed forward and wanted to grab it: "She doesn't want it, I want it."

Mr. Wan quickly withdrew his hand, squinted at her, and hummed, "I'm buying food from Miss Dina, not you. Why are you joining in the fun?"

Seeing that he was so rich, Lu Yilian grinned almost to the back of her mouth, no matter whether he was mocking her inside or outside the words, her eyes only greedily stared at the money bag, and said cheerfully: "Look at what you said, Dina and I are a family. If you buy it from her, isn't it the same as buying it from me? Since she doesn't want it, then give it to me."

As she spoke, she reached for the money bag again.

Dina really couldn't understand her face, she pushed her away, and said angrily: "Who said I don't want it?" Since they were determined to give it, she simply accepted it, so as not to make Lu Yilian cheaper.

Mr. Wan handed the money bag to Dina, and said with a smile, "Dina, you don't have to be burdened. If you think there is any leftover, please help us prepare some dry food."

Dina nodded: "Don't worry, I will help you all take care of it." Then, she turned and left the room.

Seeing that she had taken the purse, Lu Yilian hurriedly chased her out.

The room was quiet again, and Papa Di felt that he was in good spirits, so he asked Zheng Zhongwen who was standing in front of the bed, "I don't know where you are going?"

Zheng Zhongwen thought a lot, and felt that relying on their own strength, it might be difficult to find the black cavalry garrison, so it is better to seek some help from Papa Di, maybe they can get clues.

He looked at Jian Yun with his eyes. On the way back, he had already discussed with Jian Yun, and Jian Yun also felt that it was time to find someone who knew the desert very well to inquire about the situation. The cavalry couldn't find it, and they were also consumed to death in this terrible desert.

(End of this chapter)

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