Chapter 598

Chapter 599

Entering the inner hall, a familiar smell of medicine came to the nostrils. Chu Tianxin shuddered immediately when he smelled the smell. She has not forgotten the pain.

Standing in front of the bath made of white jade, she looked at the steaming black soup, but she still dared not step down.

Qi Rongyue said: "Princess, you also know that this medicine is effective for a while, if the time is delayed, the effect of the medicine will not be very good."

Chu Tian really wanted to just pass out, and when he woke up, he had already finished taking the medicinal bath, so as to save himself from these inhuman tortures.

She turned her head to Qi Rongyue and asked: "Is there any medicine that can make me fall asleep after taking it, without feeling any pain, and wake me up after soaking in the medicine bath, is there such medicine?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No, although ordinary drugs can make you temporarily unconscious, but once you receive great stimulation and pain, you will naturally wake up again, which is useless."

I don’t want to use it for you, just to make you hurt, to taste what life is worse than death.

Chu Tian bit her lip, looking at the nasty red rashes on her body, a stench filled her nostrils, if she wanted to live like this, then she might as well die, heartbroken, she stepped out of the first One step, one foot stood on the white jade steps soaked in the medicinal juice, the black medicinal juice soaked to the calf, and the tingling sensation from the skin made her whole body start to tremble.

This is just one foot, if the whole body goes down, how painful will it be?
Qi Rongyue stood behind Chu Tianxin and said softly, "Do you need me to help you?"

Chu Tian said tremblingly: "Yes, help me quickly, help me—" Before she finished speaking, someone pushed her back hard and fell into the bathtub. The pain drowned out all the words she had poured into her throat, turning them into shrill and helpless howls of pain.

Seeing that the princess had passed out, the maid who was waiting on the side quickly stretched out her hand to grab Chu Tianxin who was about to sink, and was about to pull her into the bath when Qi Rongyue raised her hand to stop her, and said in a low voice: "You take her now." Pull it up, her illness can't be cured, whose fault is it?"

The maid's complexion turned pale, and she loosened her grip by three points. She looked at the princess and then at Qi Rongyue, not knowing what to do for a while.

Qi Rongyue reached out and grabbed Chu Tianxin's arm, and said softly, "Leave it to me, you can't help me much here, go prepare the clothes that the princess will wear later, and then spread out the bedding."

The two maids thanked each other repeatedly as if they had been pardoned, and left the bathroom as if fleeing.

In the huge bathroom, only Qi Rongyue and Chu Tianxin were left. This white jade bath was originally hers, but now it was Chu Tianxin's.

Since she likes this place so much, let's soak for a while.

Chu Tianxin passed out and was awakened by her needle, and then passed out again after waking up. After repeating this for nearly ten times, Qi Rongyue dragged her out of the bath.

He called the two maids who were waiting outside to come in and help her get dressed.

Seeing that the rash on the princess' body hadn't disappeared at all, the two maids said anxiously: "Princess must have lost her temper again when she wakes up."

Another court lady sighed: "Yes, she has suffered so much, but the rash has not disappeared at all, so maybe she will get angry."

Thinking of the scene where the princess went berserk, they were afraid for a while. Sister Lian'er was the most powerful maid beside the princess before, but now. . .I don't know if he is still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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