Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 603 Just Released Yesterday

Chapter 603 Just Released Yesterday
Chapter 604

Yin Yixuan knocked on the ground again, and said to Chu Lian, "I have the courage to ask the emperor to forgive Qi Rongyue for her innocence. She is Weichen's fiancée and has already broken ties with the Zheng family. The Zheng family has rebelled against her. I really don’t know, I hope the emperor will find out.”

Chu Lian looked at him for a while, then suddenly said: "You really look like me when I was young, crazy about love and desperate, but you should also know in your heart that Qi Rongyue has no heart for you, even if she is forced to marry If I give it to you, I won't give you any affection, even so, do you still want to marry her?"

Yin Yixuan nodded, his eyes were extremely firm: "I want to marry her, I must marry her."

Looking at Yin Yixuan's appearance, Chu Lian's mind began to become in a daze. In a daze, he returned to 20 years ago. In that year, he accidentally learned that the woman he loved the most was his imperial brother. He still remembers the pain of not being able to love until now very clearly. She loves the emperor deeply, but the emperor has a deep love for Zidie. After he got a glimpse of Shu'er's mind, he did many crazy things. It was also from then on that he decided to win the throne, and he wanted to let Shu'er see that he was no less inferior than the emperor's brother, and even better than the emperor's brother.

He exhausted all means to force Shu'er to marry him. He thought that as long as he worked hard enough, Shu'er would fall in love with him sooner or later, heh——

Chu Lian came back to his senses, his eyes fell on Yin Yixuan again, and said in a deep voice: "I promise you, as long as she can cure the princess' illness, I will let her out of the palace, but remember, if she dares to marry the Zheng family again If there is any contact, not only will I not forgive her, but I will also forgive you."

Yin Yixuan was overjoyed: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After getting Chu Lian's permission to meet Qi Rongyue in the palace, he excitedly went to the imperial garden to wait, and kept asking Si Yuan to tidy up his appearance.

"Young master, you are the most beautiful man in our capital, how did you become so unconfident?" Si Yuan was a little depressed, his son was not like this before.

Yin Yixuan smiled wryly: "One moment and another moment." He tried his best to make himself look more majestic, not so weak, like Zhong Wen, who can protect her and stand in front of her in everything.

Maybe she just likes Zhongwen.

"My lord, Miss Qi is here." Si Yuan pointed to a gravel path leading to the Baiyu Pavilion in the imperial garden.

Qi Rongyue is at the other end of the path, there is no one around her, only herself, she walks slowly step by step, the early winter wind is very cold, she is wearing very thin clothes, every few steps she walks, she covers her mouth and coughs lightly After a few sounds, his complexion didn't seem to be as radiant as before.

She must have suffered a lot these days, and she just felt pain and pain. When she needed him, he was never by her side, and he never helped her.

While her thoughts were chaotic, she had already come to the front, stepped into the pavilion, looked at Yin Yixuan who was full of self-blame and remorse, and said in a low voice, "Why is Mr. Yin looking for me?"

Seeing her indifferent and alienated face, he was at a loss for words for a moment, he didn't know where to start, it seemed that no matter what he said, she would not take it to heart.

"I heard that you were locked in a sky prison for two days?" he asked.

She nodded: "Yes, it was just released yesterday."

"Are you—are you okay?" Seeing her pale face and coughing from time to time, it must be bad.

She smiled lightly, "I'm fine. Thank you Mr. Yin for your concern. You didn't come to me just to ask me if I was okay."

(End of this chapter)

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