Chapter 613 General Tianhu
Chapter 614

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Although we have no imperial decree or token, we have a password handed down by the emperor himself."

The face of the middle-aged man has already glowed with excitement. The days here are very comfortable, far away from the battlefield, but they are soldiers, how can they stay here all their lives, they have practiced their skills, not just to fight Is the enemy loyal to the country?

"What's the password?" the middle-aged man asked.

Zheng Zhongwen took Chu Tianqi's hand and led him towards the man step by step. When he got close, Chu Tianqi asked in a low voice, "Are you General Tianhu?"

The man nodded: "I am Tianhu."

Chu Tianqi asked again: "Can I see your left arm?"

Tianhu immediately raised the sleeve on his left arm, revealing the exquisite tattoo pattern on his arm. It is a tiger stepping on the clouds. The tiger has two wings and can fly in the sky like a bird, so it is called Tianhu.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Chu Tianqi took another step forward, came to Tianhu, put his mouth on tiptoe to Tianhu's ear, and whispered a few words.

Tianhu's face changed immediately, he was both surprised and happy, and immediately knelt down in front of Chu Tianqi on one knee, and said respectfully: "The last general will see the emperor, long live my emperor, long live."

Hundreds of black knight guards behind Tianhu also knelt down and saluted behind Tianhu. They were waiting and looking forward to it every day, hoping that one day they could return to the battlefield, instead of living here all day and wasting their good years.

The voices of more than a hundred black knights were very loud, and soon attracted more black knights. Everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles. They could finally leave here and return to the battlefield they had always longed for. .

They are preparing for the day when they leave every day. Their luggage has been packed long ago and they can leave at any time. They have enough dry food to take away, and enough camels to use for water. Even in the black desert, they Still relying on the experience of living in the black desert for these years, he took Chu Tianqi and the others out in the shortest possible time.

"Your Majesty, this road should lead to another oasis. The water and food we brought are still sufficient. Why don't we take another shortcut to leave the desert faster." Tianhu said to Chutian.

Chu Tianqi looked at Zheng Zhongwen beside him.

Zheng Zhongwen said: "General Tianhu, I also know that the road you mentioned is closer, but we have to send Miss Dina home first, and let her go back alone. We can't explain to her family what happened, she went to the Black Desert this time to be our guide, we promised his father that we will send her back safely."

Chu Tianqi also said: "Yes, Miss Dina has suffered a lot in order to help us, we can't abandon her now."

Tianhu nodded: "That's why, that's okay, then let's go to the oasis to get some water, it's always right to have more."

The road in the Yellow Desert is ten times easier than the road in the Black Desert. In addition to the abundance of supplies and the energy of the people, the two-day journey can be completed in only one and a half days.

Zheng Zhongwen walked slowly for a while, walking side by side with Tianhu, pointing to Shapo not far ahead, and said: "The front is Luther Village. There are too many of us, so we can't all go in. Why don't we let the brothers camp here and bring hundreds of people with us?" The rest of the people can go in to get water, so as not to make the people in the village panic."

(End of this chapter)

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