Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 621 The First Emperor Did Not Die

Chapter 621 The First Emperor Did Not Die
Chapter 622

Cold sweat broke out on the general's forehead, and his heart was pounding. He was only a third-rank general and had never been on a battlefield. How could he be such a leader?

But with the appearance of the emperor, he dared not give birth to the slightest thought of disobedience, for he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would be the one who died first.

"The minister leads the order!"

Chu Lian's expression slowed down by three points, and he said again: "I will send my trusted guards to take you to Nanwei, if Duke Heng dares to resist the order and refuses to obey, he will be killed!"

General Wu recalled that since the emperor ascended the throne, he had killed many people, and among them were two powerful generals who made great contributions. If these two powerful generals were here, how could he be considered for this job today?

"Li Ku, He Ji, you two escort General Wu to Nanwei, and I will give you a royal card. If you meet the decree, you can cut it first and then play it, as if I came in person."

At the same time, the rumors that the former emperor was still alive and led the black cavalry to return to the Chu Dynasty had spread all over the streets and alleys of Kyoto and even the whole country.

Civil and military officials were shocked, but more surprised. Chu Lian was cruel, and they trembled all day long, fearing that they would be the next person to be killed.

Moreover, since Chu Lian became the regency, he abolished the benevolent government imposed by the former emperor and imposed heavy taxes, which aroused public grievances.

Of course, some people were pleasantly surprised, and some were terrified. They abandoned the former emperor and joined Chu Lian. They were real traitors. Now they have become the favored ministers of Chu Lian in a moment of prosperity. Yet?
Temple of Two Hearts

"Have you heard?"


"The former emperor is not dead, he has led the black cavalry army back. I think our Chu palace is going to be in trouble again." The maid lowered her voice and said in detail in the ear of another maid who was making medicine.

The court lady looked shocked: "Is it true? The former emperor really didn't die? But, but at that time, the person who was burned to death wearing a dragon robe in the Palace of Imperial Harmony, who wasn't the emperor?"

"I heard that she was the emperor's personal maid. She wore the emperor's clothes and set herself on fire in the palace. The emperor was rescued from the palace."

"Is this true or false? If it is false, the person who spread the word will definitely be quartered."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, let's not talk about it, people will hear us gossip later, maybe they will punish us in some way."

Not far away, Qi Rongyue, who was weighing the medicine, was in a great mood. Her Zhongwen and Brother Qi really lived up to her expectations. They came back, bringing the black cavalry with them, and the hope of their restoration of power.

A court lady hurried into the medicine room and said to Qi Rongyue: "Miss Qi, the princess is not feeling well, please go and have a look."

Qi Rongyue put down the small scale, patted the medicine dust on her body, and said with a smile, "Okay."

She followed the maid into the main hall, and as soon as she entered the hall, she heard Chu Tianxin's scolding, and the maid begging for mercy.

Passing through the heavy and gorgeous curtains, on the gilded couch with carved phoenixes, sat the furious Chu Tianxin.

She curtseyed: "Meet the princess!"

Chu Tianxin's eyes fell on her face coldly: "You said that if there is a scar on Ben Gong's face, you can also remove it."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Indeed, there is an ancient recipe for women, which can relieve the princess' worries."

On Chu Tianxin's face covered with pale red scars, there was a hint of viciousness: "But why has it been so long, you haven't been able to prepare this medicine, is it because you don't want me to restore my appearance?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "Princess misunderstood!"

(End of this chapter)

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