Chapter 637

Chapter 638

Under the veil, Chu Tianxin's face became very ugly: "Look clearly, whether it is poisonous."

Master Liang melted the incense pills in warm water, inspected them carefully and shook his head: "Princess, the incense pills are not poisonous, but there are a few strange herbs mixed into them. Sorry for my incompetence, I can't tell what the herbs are."

Chu Tian gritted his teeth and said, "You are indeed incompetent. I will give you three days. Within three days, you must find a way to cure the emperor. Otherwise, I will punish you."

She turned around and looked at her father lying on the bed with helpless and angry eyes. Her heart ached like a knife. She wiped away her tears. Now is not the time to cry. Crying can't solve any problems.

She said to the eunuch at the side: "Go quickly to Prince Jin's mansion, King Xuan Jin enters the palace."

Now that her father has become like this, the only person she can rely on now is Hengzhi.

Just when the eunuch was about to step out of the inner hall, she woke up suddenly and hurriedly said: "Stop, forget it, there is no need to go."

Hengzhi is also unreliable. He has never really liked her. The reason why he is willing to stay by her side has always been for other purposes. She decides, whether Min Hengzhi is willing or not, he will marry her in the end.

But now that the father has become like this, if even the government is in Hengzhi's hands. . .She didn't dare to imagine the consequences, and she didn't want to see that day appear.

Chu Tianxin went to the imperial study and summoned all the officials who still insisted on going to court.

Seeing all the officials kneeling on the ground, Chu Tian's chest heaved and rose rapidly.

"You guys are all talking, are you dumb? Aren't you usually very capable? In the Golden Palace, everyone is eloquent. How is it now? Have you taken dumb medicine?"

No one dared to say anything, what can be said?Advise her to simply surrender to Zen?It is not very accurate to say that the Zen position is still located in the emperor.

Emperor Tianqi is the real emperor of the Chu Dynasty!

They thought so in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it, and they didn't really hope that Chu Tianqi would become emperor, but right now, it seemed that there was no other way to go.

The trend is over!

Chu Tianxin asked Lord Xiao, "How many soldiers can we mobilize to fight against the enemy?"

Master Xiao said: "Three thousand elite guards from the city defense battalion can be mobilized, and two thousand guards from the Habayashi guard can be ordered at any time."

Chu Tianxin frowned, and looked at Master Xiao incredulously: "Is it finished?"

Lord Xiao nodded: "It's over."

Chu Tianxin became more and more excited: "You mean, only a total of 5000 people can be used to fight against the enemy?"

Lord Xiao nodded again: "Princess Hui, that's exactly it."

Chu Tianxin's upright body suddenly slumped in the chair behind him, his eyes full of astonishment.

The opponent's black cavalry army alone has 20 troops, and Longxi's 20 troops. . .Longxi is the border between the Chu Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty. 5000 troops have been stationed in Longxi for many years, mainly to prevent the Zhou Dynasty from invading the border. If Zheng Xiuwu is concerned about border defense and refuses to send troops from far away, the black cavalry army will only have [-] people. what--

Chu Tianxin asked again, "If only [-] black cavalry come, can we be sure of defending against the enemy?"

General Xiao didn't hesitate, and shook his head very simply: "Princess Hui, the general will not be sure of defending against the enemy."

Chu Tian said angrily, "There are also 5000 of them, and they have traveled a long distance, and their physical strength has been exhausted. Could it be that our [-] elite soldiers, who have recharged their batteries, can't resist them?"

General Xiao sighed: "Princess doesn't know, but the Black Cavalry Army was formed under the supervision of the late Emperor himself. All of them are brave and good at fighting. Our so-called elite soldiers are not their opponents at all."

(End of this chapter)

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