Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 640 Climb to a Higher Branch

Chapter 640 Climb to a Higher Branch
Chapter 641

Xue'er put down her clothes reluctantly, "If Miss doesn't wear them, then I won't wear them either."

That night, she slept very soundly. In her dream, she seemed to be back when she was a child. The father and mother were sitting in the imperial garden talking and drinking tea, watching their daughter teasing their newborn son. The sun was shining brightly. The singing of the birds is also very pleasant, the flowers are blooming very brightly, and the wind is very light - everything is so beautiful, if possible, please don't let this dream wake up.

When she woke up, it was bright outside the window, she sat up quickly, and asked Xueer who was making tea: "What time is it now?"

Xue'er glanced out, and said: "Just now, the hot water has been brought, young lady, hurry up and wash up, the carriage of the Jin Palace will be here soon."

Qi Rongyue didn't expect her to sleep for one night, she always slept lightly, and only slept well during the few nights when Zhongwen was with her, she hadn't slept so soundly for a long time.

After hastily washing up, eating something casually and drinking a cup of hot tea, the people from Prince Jin's Mansion came right away.

"Miss Qi, the prince is waiting for you outside, if you are ready, go out with me."

Qi Rongyue got up, and put on the thin cotton cloak that Xue'er had prepared for her: "Here we come."

At the intersection, the carriage of the Marquis of Wenchang's Mansion passed by slowly. Lord Yin Hou thought about his friendship with Lord Zheng in the past. When the carriage passed by the street where Zheng's Mansion was located, he raised the curtain to look around, but saw that there should be no one there. In the long street, there was a gorgeous carriage parked, and Min Hengzhi standing beside the carriage.

He stopped the carriage and looked curiously at Min Hengzhi in the distance. He seemed to be waiting for someone, with a slightly anxious expression on his face.

Seeing the carriage stop, Yin Yixuan looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lord Yin Hou pointed to Min Heng Zhidao outside the car: "Why is King Jin here? Hasn't the Yongping Hou Mansion been emptied long ago?"

As soon as Yin Yixuan heard that the Yongping Hou Mansion was outside, he hurried to the small window to look out, and happened to see a black-clothed guard coming out from the inside, followed by two girls, although they were far apart, he still At a glance, it was Qi Rongyue who was walking ahead.

"Rongyue?" He looked surprised. Chu Tian was looking for her in the capital. He was so worried that he didn't fall asleep for several days, and he secretly sent someone to look for her, but there was no news. In Yongpinghou Mansion.

Lord Yin frowned and said, "Why is she involved with King Jin again? Did King Jin find her for Princess Tianxin?"

Upon hearing this, Yin Yixuan said anxiously: "Princess Tianxin is cruel, if Rongyue falls into her hands again, she will definitely die."

Lord Yin Hou shook his head: "No, King Jin is not working for Princess Tianxin. I heard that he is the one who led all the officials out of the city for ten miles to welcome the emperor back to the city."

Yin Yixuan was also confused: "So, he is not a member of Chu Lian's party?"

Lord Yin Hou nodded: "It seems not." He looked at Qi Rongyue and Min Hengzhi who had already boarded the carriage together, and said in confusion: "I just don't understand why the two of them got mixed up? They had a relationship with each other before. Have a personal relationship?"

Yin Yixuan shook his head, "I don't know, King Jin has been in Jincheng before, and Rong Yue also stayed in Jincheng for a long time, I think they know each other."

"But looking at their appearance, is it so simple to just know each other?" He snorted softly, "No wonder Qi Rongyue looks down on you, because he has climbed to a higher branch."

(End of this chapter)

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