Chapter 666

Chapter 667

Jian Yun waved his hand: "I've never heard of it. There is no such medicine in the world. It's something in the medical annals. You can't believe it."

Qi Rongyue was a little puzzled: "Why can't you believe it? You told me before that this strange doctor's annals is a legendary book handed down from generation to generation. Let me memorize it word by word. We happened to encounter some troubles at the time, so we didn't read it. I read it very carefully, I just flipped through it a few times, I read this book carefully last night, it is really very profound."

Jian Yun was a little impatient, and reached out to snatch the strange doctor's will from her hand, but fortunately, Qi Rongyue protected her and did not let the master take it away. She wondered: "Master, do you know what this cold beard is?"

Jian Yun shook her head: "I don't know, well, you go back, I'm tired."

Seeing the master's tired appearance, she couldn't say anything else, so she went out silently.

Jian Yun sat on the bedside for a while, thinking that as long as Rong Yue couldn't find the strange doctor Zhi, the matter would just pass.

But now that she has found the history of the strange doctor, she will know what the cold beard is sooner or later. By then, who can stop her?What a headache!

She was walking alone on the cold long street with a book in her arms, her heart was in a mess and she couldn't figure it out.

A carriage drove up to her side and stopped. Qi Yongchun got out of the carriage and shouted at her: "Rong Yue, where are you going? I'll see you off."

Qi Rongyue stamped her feet, looked back at Qi Yongchun who was standing on the shaft of the car, and smiled at him, frowning more and more tightly: "No need." The disgust in her eyes was obvious, she turned around and walked away, without looking at Qi Yongchun again. Yongchun took a look.

Qi Yongchun hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and quickly caught up with her.

"This early in the morning, why are you walking on the street alone? You don't bring anyone with you when you come out. Your current status is different from before. What should you do if something goes wrong? Where did you go? Now is Do you want to go back to the palace?"

Qi Yongchun's chattering voice kept ringing in her ears, she was very annoyed, and she was not in the mood to hurt him, so she used the golden cicada footwork to lift her breath and walk quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Qi Yongchun was wiped clean .

Qi Yongchun chased after her for a while, exhausted and out of breath, but he still couldn't catch up with her, and was so angry that she was so angry that this damn girl didn't give her any face, not even a word Ken said to him.

Since becoming the emperor, he has been demoted three levels in a row. He is not as good as he used to be in Pengcheng. He is about to become a grandson, he knows it in his heart.All of this is related to Qi Rongyue, the emperor has a close relationship with Qi Rongyue, he made her the princess of protecting the country, he must also know that he kicked Qi Rongyue out of the house, naturally it will not make him feel better.

If he wanted his official career to go smoothly, he had no choice but to get on the fast boat of Qi Rongyue again.

It is a pity that this boat does not seem to be so easy to board, but he will not give up, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, he may still turn over.

At the gate of the palace, Qi Rongyue met Zheng Zhongwen who had just come down to court, seeing her preoccupied appearance, he pulled her aside: "What's the matter? Master, isn't she well?"

Qi Rongyue told Zhong Wen about Han Jiaoxu, and said that the master's behavior was very strange, as if he knew something, but he refused to say anything, as if he was deliberately hiding something.

Zhongwen patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You think too much, maybe the master is not feeling well, and there is no other meaning, so let me help you go and ask around to see if anyone knows about Hanjiaoxu. "

(End of this chapter)

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