Chapter 674

Chapter 675

When Diwu heard this, he hurriedly said: "Master Jian, you also saved my life and my father's life. Without you, my father and I might have eaten a pile of bones by sand wolves."

Di Jia murmured to herself: So what if I saved Dad, I didn't die because of you in the end.

Qi Rongyue said with a light smile: "Since you're in the capital, you should stay here and tell me what you need."

When Di Jia heard this, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Princess Qi, can you take me into the palace to have a look? The ten thousand houses are so rich, the palace must be more luxurious, right?"

Dina hastily pinched Di Jia hard, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?" She turned her head and said to Qi Rongyue with an apologetic expression, "Don't mind, she is still young and not sensible."

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "It's okay, if there is a chance in the future, I can really go to the palace to have a look, it's not a big deal."

After hearing Qi Rongyue's words, Di Jia was in a good mood, and asked again: "Princess, when will you and Mr. Zheng get married?"

Dina also raised her eyes to look at Qi Rongyue, and saw a faint and shy smile on her radiant face: "It's not yet decided, I'll invite you to have a wedding wine at that time."

When Mr. Wan heard this at the door, he quickly laughed and said, "It's a good feeling, I'm just waiting for this day."

Behind Mr. Wan is Zheng Zhongwen who just went to court. He is still the same as yesterday, wearing brand-new court clothes, tall and handsome.

When Dina looked at his usually serious face, there was such a gentle smile, as if she was looking at another person.

It turned out that he didn't like to laugh, it turned out that he wasn't born serious by nature.

I saw him walking quickly to Qi Rongyue's side, with a slight blame in his warm smile: "Look at you, and you wear so little, it's so cold today."

Jian Yun said with a smile: "I told her just now, but I didn't listen. If someone catches a cold, someone will die of love."

Zheng Zhongwen clutched his chest with an exaggerated expression: "I feel so distressed right now, hurry up, save me!"

Qi Rongyue rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "A dignified first-rank official of the imperial court is so dishonest, and he is not afraid of being laughed at."

It turns out that he can still joke, and it turns out that this is the real him.

Dina was bitter in her heart, tried her best to maintain a calm face, and silently retreated to one side.

At this time Zheng Zhongwen glanced at the three of them, and finally landed on Di Wu, and said with a smile: "Di Wu, I went to the patrol camp yesterday and recommended you to the patrol battalion commander, he said Let me take you to have a look at him today, stay if you can, if not, I will make another arrangement for you."

Mr. Wan also said: "If you feel that a place like the patrol camp is not suitable for you, you can tell me, there are so many ways to make a living in my Wanwutang, there is always something suitable for you to do."

Diwu smiled and waved his hands: "I just want to stay in the patrol battalion. Although I am young, I know that the patrol battalion is the king's army. I went in, but I just eat the royal rations. If I can make a name for myself in the future, my two No sister will worry about marrying a good family, so I must stay in the patrol camp."

Everyone nodded after listening to Diwu's words. They didn't expect Diwu to be so thoughtful at his age. He is really a good boy.

After hearing this, Di Jia frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "When you find me a good husband after you become famous, how long will you have to wait? Besides, is it possible for me to marry a soldier in the patrol battalion?"

Dina hurriedly reprimanded: "What nonsense are you talking about? A girl who dares to say anything? I'm not afraid of being laughed at."

(End of this chapter)

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