Chapter 685 Guilty
Chapter 686

There seems to be nothing wrong with this answer, but Xueer always feels that something is wrong. There are many palace maids and eunuchs living at the other end of the imperial mausoleum.

But no matter what she said or how she begged, the young lady seemed to be weighed down and refused to let go.

Zheng Zhongwen went directly to the cabinet to deal with affairs after he came down from the court, and he was busy until noon. Sangui rushed to the cabinet and saw his master was arguing with an old minister, so he rushed forward and said: "My lord, you Why are you still here? Miss Qi is leaving, don't you go say goodbye to her?"

Zheng Zhongwen was taken aback: "Let's go? Where is she going?"

Sangui said: "It seems that everyone in the capital knows the news, but you don't even know about it, my lord?"

Zheng Zhongwen got up and strode up to Sangui: "If you have something to say, just say it, what are you doing?"

Sangui hurriedly said: "The emperor sent someone to post the imperial list all over the city early this morning, saying that he would let the princess protect the country go to the imperial mausoleum to guard the mausoleum in March, and he was leaving today. When I just came, I heard that the princess The carriage has already left the palace."

"What?" Zheng Zhongwen's eyes were about to drop from shock, he didn't even know about this matter, why didn't Tian Qi say a word to him in advance.

He rushed out of the cabinet compound, he didn't care who owned the horses in the courtyard, he grabbed one and turned over, beat the horse and ran away.

The princess-sized guard of honor surrounded the luxurious carriage and passed through the bustling long streets of Kyoto. The curtains embroidered with pictures of birds and phoenixes were lifted from time to time. There was always a trace of worry on that beautiful face, she thought. Seeing Zhongwen again, but I don't know how to face his questioning, I am very conflicted, I don't want to lie to him, but I can't tell him the truth.

As soon as the carriage left the city gate, Zhongwen's horse caught up and stopped the carriage.

He jumped directly onto the frame from the back of the horse, and the guards who escorted him knew him, but they all pretended not to see him.

He pushed the door open, saw the girl he loved, looked into his eyes, and seemed to have a guilty conscience.

He sat across from her in a fit of anger, with his arms crossed, he could only hear the humming in his nostrils, but he didn't say a word.

She bit her lip, her voice was weak: "Zhongwen, it's my fault for leaving without telling you, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, if it's useful, wouldn't there be no punishment for killing people?" He snorted.

She laughed dryly: "That's such an exaggeration, but it's only three months. I'll be back in three months. By then, we'll be married and never be separated again, okay?"

"Why so suddenly? Why didn't I hear you mention it before?" He was full of doubts.

"I was always unhappy when I saw Brother Qi recently, so I asked him why. He said that he thought that he was too busy with state affairs and had no time to go to the imperial mausoleum to offer incense sticks to the first emperor, first empress and eldest princess. Since I invited you to guard the mausoleum for him, it was only three months, not three years, and it passed in the blink of an eye."

Zheng Zhongwen snorted, "I've blinked so many times, why hasn't three months passed yet? No, you just wait here. I'll go to the palace to ask the emperor for an order. I want to go with you."

She hurriedly grabbed his arm and said in a hurry: "This is not possible. The situation is not stable now. As the minister of the guards, you have many things waiting for you to deal with. What's more, Brother Qi needs you to help him by his side." , with you here, even if I'm not in the capital, I can feel at ease, if you're not here, I won't be able to sleep all day."

(End of this chapter)

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