Chapter 692

Chapter 693

The old king of Zhou raised his eyes, looked at the calm Qi Rongyue, and asked, "Do you still want to go to such a dangerous place?"

Qi Rongyue nodded, her eyes were extremely firm, without any hesitation: "I'm going, no matter how dangerous it is, I'm going, it's about my master's life, no matter what the price is, I'm going to win. "

Although the old king of Zhou was old, his eyes were still clear and his mind was clear. Looking at his son's obsessive eyes looking at the girl, there was something in his heart that he didn't understand. No wonder he was lukewarm towards Qiuying. He was even more repulsed by Concubine Xuan. How could he look at others if he had such an outstanding girl in his eyes.


The old king of Zhou said: "Since you are determined to go your own way, I can't stop you. It's just that this treasure of Yujiao is a treasure handed down from the royal family of Zhou. How can you borrow it at will."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows, with a faint smile on her face: "Your Majesty's words are very true, but I don't want to be empty-handed. I am willing to treat your Majesty's illnesses in exchange for the treasure of Yujiao."

The old king of Zhou waved his hand: "It doesn't matter whether my old disease is cured or not. I won't live long. If I can live to this age, I will be content."

Qi Rongyue smiled and said: "It seems that Your Majesty must have known that I don't have much time left. If I don't treat your condition, your condition will drag on for another three months at most, and you will become terminally ill and cannot afford to be bedridden. This is your responsibility." Am I right about the reason why I am in a hurry to choose a concubine for Prince An?"

Old Zhou Wang's eyes showed approval, and he nodded: "It's true, people are mortal, sooner or later, this is the destiny, and it cannot be violated."

But Qi Rongyue said: "Your Majesty is right, people are mortal, sooner or later, but if I can make you die a few years later, you can still see the birth of your grandson, and even enjoy a few years of pampering your grandson." family bliss.”

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the old King Zhou, and then he shook his head: "It's impossible, this king's disease has been seen by many doctors, and no one dares to guarantee that this king can live for a year."

"They don't dare, I dare, I can guarantee that you will be healthy for at least five years under my treatment, and if your disease recurs after five years, it will be destiny."

Zhou An was overjoyed: "Really?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Really!"

The old Zhou king's heart, which had been cold to his own sick body, also gave birth to a fiery spark when he saw his son's excited eyes.

Although people are mortal, sooner or later, but no one wants to die early, everyone wants to die later, the later the better.

Old Zhou Dynasty Qi Rongyue said: "How about I discuss it with An'er and give you an answer later?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "That should be the case, then Rongyue avoids it first."

She blessed the old king of Zhou, turned around gracefully, and walked quickly step by step, but she did not lose a bit of elegance and elegance.

Old Zhou Wang looked at Qi Rongyue, the more he looked at her, the more he liked her. Only such a girl is worthy of his An'er.

"Father, why are you still hesitating? The Royal Flood Dragon Treasure is important, but compared to your body, what is it?"

Old King Zhou shook his head, "Silly boy, I hesitated, not because of this. I originally planned to use this thing in exchange for a promise from her, so as to create some opportunities for you. I can tell that you like her very much."

Zhou An smiled wryly: "Thank you, father, for your kindness. It's a pity that King Xiang has dreams, but Goddess has no intentions. She already has someone she likes and will soon be married. She can no longer hold me in her eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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