Chapter 694 Let's see!
Chapter 695

Qiu Ying thought of the cold treatment she received at Zhou An's place these days, and her anger shot up in her heart. It was because of her, and it was all because of her. If it wasn't for her, brother An would never treat her with such an attitude.

She pointed at Qi Rongyue and said angrily: "You are so brave, you are not polite when you see this princess? Come here and slap your mouth."

Seeing that the court lady beside Qiuying was about to step forward to make a move, Zhou An grimaced and said, "I'll see who dares."

He stared at Qiu Ying with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "She is the princess protecting the country of the Chu Dynasty, and her status is more noble than yours. If you talk about saluting, you should salute her."

What, isn't she a doctor?Why is she a princess again?
Qiu Ying's face became very ugly, she stared at Qi Rongyue fiercely, if her eyes could eat people, she must have swallowed Qi Rongyue alive by now.

Qi Rongyue has lived two lifetimes, and has never experienced any storms. Princess Qiuying's hostility towards her cannot be without reason. What is the reason?I'm afraid it has something to do with Zhou An.

She remained calm and said softly: "There is no need to be too polite, I don't care about these things."

Qiuying was choked up by her words, but she was powerless to refute, she could only say bitterly: "Let's see!" After saying that, she turned around and left the Chaoliang Hall, striding away.

Damn it, she was clearly in the Chu Dynasty, why did she suddenly come to the Zhou Dynasty?
It's hateful that Brother An didn't give her any face in front of that woman.

It's hateful, this woman's appearance is even more beautiful than imagined, and her status is also higher than her.

So hateful!

"Princess, this princess from the Chu Dynasty is really too arrogant. Even if she is a princess, she is still a princess from the Chu Dynasty. When she comes to our Zhou royal family, she is nothing." Seeing that Princess Qiuying was very angry, the maid hurriedly A voice of relief.

Qiu Ying took a deep breath, turned her head and said to the court lady: "Usually you have the most tricks, think about it quickly, how can I teach her a lesson, and not let people catch me."

The maid hurriedly said: "Master, it's not a good time to do it now. You just said harsh words in front of her today, and if something happens to her later, King An probably won't be surprised that you did it."

Qiu Ying was full of anger, she didn't care about this, she just said bitterly: "I don't care, as long as I don't let him hold the evidence, I grit my teeth and don't let go, he can't do anything to me, I can't wait a day, I want Let her disappear, completely disappear here." As long as she thinks of the gentle eyes of brother An when she looked at her just now, her heart feels like being hammered by a heavy hammer. It doesn't hurt, but it is very uncomfortable.

The night in February was still cold. She stood by the window, looking at the bright moon in the sky, feeling joy and sorrow in her heart.

She didn't know if there was a chance to return to the Chu Dynasty, she didn't know what foolish things Zhong Wen would do after learning that she had secretly left the imperial mausoleum, and she didn't know if Tian Qi would complain when he found out that she had lied to him she.

She once watched her father and mother die in front of her, but she was powerless. Now, the master who is as close as a reborn parent is seriously ill again. She can't watch her relatives leave her again, she must fight , No matter whether you succeed or not, you have no regrets and no intentions.

The cold wind kept pouring into the inner room, dissipating most of the warmth in the inner room, the maid at the side was shivering from the cold, and hurriedly said to Qi Rongyue: "Princess Yue, close the window, and be careful not to catch a cold."

Qi Rongyue glanced sideways at her and said, "Go down."

The palace maid hesitated: "The servant will stay and serve you to bed."

(End of this chapter)

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