Chapter 707 The Giant Rabbit
Chapter 708

Could it be because the flowers and trees here have absorbed the aura of stars and moonlight all year round, so they grow very well?

So the reason why Hanjiao can grow so big is also because of the starlight and moonlight?
What she couldn't understand the most was why Han Jiao didn't eat her?Seeing that she was unconscious and bringing her here, is this its lair?
It was as if she had come to a whole new world, a world she could never have imagined.

Walking, looking around curiously, suddenly, a huge monster blocked her way, under the starlight, she raised her head and looked closely, the appearance of the huge monster was somewhat similar to that of a rabbit, with a short tail and a long tail. There are red flowers, a pair of blood red eyes, and two long teeth protruding from the lips.

She looked at the giant rabbit, and the giant rabbit also looked at her, and suddenly lowered its head and sniffed at the top of her head with its nose, perhaps smelling the smell of meat, the rabbit opened its mouth and bit Qi Rongyue's head.

Qi Rongyue was frightened enough, she reacted fairly quickly, turned her head and ran away, but she was small after all, how could she run past the giant rabbit's legs, she was quickly overtaken, she could already feel the hot and humid breath of the giant rabbit Sprayed to the back of her neck, she thought she was doomed this time, and would definitely become the night snack of this giant rabbit, and secretly scolded herself why she was so curious, Han Jiao hid her in the stamen, just to Guaranteed her safety, but it turned out that she was fine, she ran out recklessly, but now, if she was to be eaten by a rabbit, her death would be too unworthy.

She turned her head and peeked, just in time to see the giant rabbit biting her with its mouth wide open, her legs turned and she fell to the ground, closing her eyes and waiting to die.

But when she heard a scream, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, she opened her eyes quietly, and saw that Han Jiao was protecting her body, blowing the giant rabbit away with one tail.

The giant rabbit was obviously very afraid of the cold flood, got up from the ground and ran away in a hurry.

Han Jiao turned around and blinked at her, that's right, she blinked, but before she could react, the thick dragon tail rolled her up and led her back the way she came.

Her body was curled up by the dragon's tail, half suspended in the air, no different from flying, which was much more comfortable than riding a horse or a carriage.

She asked Han Jiao: "What is this place? Why did you bring me here?"

Han Jiao ignored her, and didn't look back at her.

She asked again: "Is this your home?"

Han Jiao nodded, as acquiescence.

She took a deep breath, and asked again: "Why don't you eat me? They all say that Han Jiao is evil and eats countless people, why don't you eat me?"

Han Jiao shook his head, feeling a little depressed.

It took her back to the river and put her back into the previous tea flower. Although a petal was missing, it was just enough for her to see outside.

Qi Rongyue looked around and said distressedly: "Are you going to keep me in captivity as a pet or as a cook?"

Han Jiao stared at her with big eyes, opened his mouth, and made a hissing sound, maybe it was their language, but she couldn't understand it.

At this time, there was a splash of water in the river, and the cold dragon suddenly became panic-stricken. It hurriedly slapped the ground with its tail, and the petals that fell on the ground bounced up into the air, and just landed on the vacancy of the petals. With a push, the petals were pushed in, completely blocking Qi Rongyue who was sitting in the stamen.

Before Qi Rongyue realized what was going on, she heard the sound of rushing water outside, she hurriedly looked out from the gap, and saw a huge cold dragon floating from the river water, this cold dragon Its body is still bigger than the one who rescued her, and the beard around the corner of its mouth is also longer.

(End of this chapter)

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