Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 713 She Is Really a Catastrophe

Chapter 713 She Is Really a Catastrophe

Chapter 714

Qi Rongyue frowned, waiting to hear so.

"So, this king wishes to hand over the Jiaozhu to you as a dowry gift."

She frowned, puzzled: "What do you mean?"

The old king of Zhou smiled and said: "You are a smart child, and you must know that An'er is infatuated with you. This king owes him a lot. I have been separated from his father and son for so many years. I finally hoped that he would return to the palace and tried every means to make up for him. But he was always depressed, until you came, until you came to Zhou Dynasty, this king saw a smile on his face, this king hoped that you could stay in Zhou Dynasty, stay by An'er's side, and take care of you. He, assist him, and share the Zhou Dynasty with him."

The old king of Zhou saw her frowning and said nothing, "I know that you are not a girl who is greedy for glory, I know that you are arrogant, and you don't like the status of Princess An or Queen Zhou, but you should know that for a The most important thing for a woman is a man's wholehearted love, what your fiancé can give you, An'er can give you everything."

She raised her eyes and looked directly at the old King Zhou: "Is this Zhou An's idea?"

The old king of Zhou shook his head: "If you are friends with him, you should know that he is not this kind of person. He strongly opposes this king to do this, but this king is his father. What does this king want to do for him? Feelings, I hope you can understand."

She smiled wryly, she understood, of course she understood, what else could she not understand?

Thinking of Zhongwen who would die at any time outside Chaoliang Hall, thinking of him trying his best to protect her desperately, thinking of how he is now because of her.

Maybe, she is really a disaster star, as long as anyone who gets in touch with her, it will end badly.

"Okay, I promise you, but you must hand over Jiaozhu to me now. His injuries are serious and he will die at any time." Although Jiaozhu can bring the dead back to life, it will be more effective when used at the moment of death.

Of course, these are legends, and no one has verified the truth.

If Jiaozhu can't save Zhongwen's life, she won't live alone and will go with him.

The old king of Zhou laughed: "Okay, okay, I promise, I also trust your character, and I will definitely not go back on your word."

Standing behind Zhou An heard his father's laughter and Qi Rongyue's blunt and forceful answer. He was mixed with joy and sorrow. He didn't know how Rongyue would think of him, whether he would blame him, and thought that she would stay behind. , the joy is also hard to suppress.

The jiaozhu was quickly delivered to the hands of the old king of Zhou. As soon as the velvet with the jiaozhu appeared, she felt the flame imprint on her chest was very hot, as if someone had set a fire on her chest, burning it to death. She is in pain.

The old king of Zhou personally sent the jiaozhu to her, opened the cap in front of her, and a green bead the size of an egg appeared in front of her eyes. The bead was cold to the touch, but when she held it in her hand, there was A trace of heat flows into the palm along with the skin and flesh, and flows to the five veins.

When the beads were held in her hands, the burning pain in her chest just dissipated, she didn't understand what was going on, and she didn't have the heart to think about it, so she turned around with the beads and left the Chaoliang Hall.

"Come with me." She said to Min Hengzhi and Wu Jiang.

Min Hengzhi quickly carried Zheng Zhongwen on his back, and followed her to a palace, which was exactly the palace she lived in before.

Seeing her coming back, the palace maid rushed forward to greet her and led her into the dormitory in the apse.

Min Hengzhi laid Zheng Zhongwen flat on the bed, saw Qi Rongyue took out the dagger he had picked up, ordered the maid to light the palace lantern, and roasted it back and forth on the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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