Chapter 726
Chapter 727

When she spoke, she always had a smile on her face, she looked calm and breezy, but her eyes were very sharp and cold.

The old king of Zhou nodded: "I understand that An'er has suffered such a disaster, and the person behind the scenes will definitely find her out."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Since that's the case, Rongyue won't bother with this matter anymore." She turned her head to look at the inner room, and said in a soft voice: "King An is fine, and Rongyue is also tired, step back first, and come back tomorrow visit."

The old king of Zhou knew that she was still ill, so he didn't dare to stay longer, and said: "That's fine, you can go back and rest."

Seeing Qi Rongyue's back gradually disappear, the old King Zhou let out another long sigh. He never thought that An'er, a silly child, would disregard his own life for her, which he never expected.

As the son of an emperor, how could he pour such emotion into a woman? He thought that keeping her would make him focus on government affairs and make him less lonely in the palace, but he didn't expect that keeping her would also mean keeping her If there is a big hidden danger, she will become An'er's biggest weakness, the fatal weakness.

He sighed again, shook his head, turned around and stepped into the inner hall.


"Missed? What's the matter? You can't even deal with an unarmed woman?" Qiuying stared angrily at the commander of the guards who was kneeling in front of her.

"Back to the princess, she is not unarmed, she has learned kung fu, and her subordinates and others have also spent a lot of effort."

"What's the result? Didn't she come back alive? You put in so much effort just to make her come back unscathed?"

The commander of the guards looked scorched, and hurriedly said: "Princess, now is not the time to ask your subordinates to blame. You have promised your subordinates, you will give them 3 taels of silver afterwards, and let them go far away."

Qiu Ying sneered: "You still have the face to ask me for money? Have you done what I asked you to do?"

Seeing her expression, the commander of the guards knew that she was going to renege, so he simply raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid the princess didn't know that I was able to kill Qi Rongyue with a single sword. It was King An who used his own body to kill Qi Rongyue." Standing in front of Qi Rongyue, this subordinate missed."

Qiu Ying turned pale with shock, she immediately stood up from her seat, pointed to the nose of the commander of the guards with shaking fingers, and asked in surprise, "You, did you hurt King An?"

The guard leader nodded: "That's right, this subordinate injured King An by mistake, and now King An has returned to the palace, and Qi Rongyue personally healed him. His Majesty was furious, thinking that this matter will happen soon It may be found on the subordinates, and if the subordinates have not left the capital by then, the princess may not be safe."

Qiu Ying was furious: "How dare you threaten me?"

The commander of the guards looked gloomy and cold: "This subordinate dare not, this subordinate is just telling the truth."

Qiuying was concerned about Zhou An's injury and didn't want to entangle him any more, so she ordered the maid to fetch her money box, took out 1 taels of silver bills and threw it in front of him: "Take these and get out of here. Roll as far as you can, and don't let me see you again."

Although there was no 3 taels agreed in advance, it was better than nothing, after all, he failed to complete the task first.

"Farewell!" The guard commander turned around and left quickly.

Qiuying looked at his back with cold eyes, and said to my brother An that you hurt me, you still want to leave?She turned her head and whispered a few words to the maid at the side. The maid understood, took out a few more bank notes from the money box, turned around and followed the steps of the guards to leave Yinghe Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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