Chapter 729
Chapter 730

Back then, his younger sister married into a neighboring country to understand his siege, and then she ended up in such a bleak end. He has always apologized, and he has been trying his best to make up for it these years. Arrogant temperament.

Zhou An frowned and said: "Father, you don't know her nature, she has changed, she is no longer the former Qiu Ying, if you let her stay in the palace, maybe there will be some troubles."

The old king of Zhou didn't make a sound, Zhou An said again: "Father, to tell you the truth, Rong Yue is not a girl who can be bullied, if you provoke her, if she makes a move, Qiu Ying's end will only be worse. "

The old king of Zhou also thought of Qi Rongyue's cold and sharp eyes, and couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart: "She is a girl, and she is weak in our Zhou Dynasty, so she shouldn't do anything out of the ordinary."

Zhou An struggled to sit up: "Father, Rong Yue has always been a person who can clearly distinguish between love and hate. If no one offends me, I will not offend. If anyone offends me, I will pay back double. If Qiuying doesn't hurt her again, naturally nothing will happen, but If Qiuying provokes her again and again without knowing life or death, I can't guarantee what the consequences will be."

The old king of Zhou recalled the rumors he had heard before that Qi Rongyue hid beside Chu Lian in order to help the Emperor Chu return to the throne, and directly cured Chu Lian into a cripple under the pretext of curing the disease, and let Chu Lian's only daughter To ruin his appearance, the means are not cruel.

At this time, Master Zhu, the deputy commander of the guards of the Forbidden Palace, came to ask for an audience.

"Let him in." The eunuch beside the old Zhou Dynasty nodded.

Lord Zhu brought one of his subordinates together, and after saluting, the old king of Zhou directly asked, "How is the matter going?"

Master Zhu said: "Your Majesty, my subordinates and others caught up with Lord Ye and were about to take him down, but someone shot a sniper arrow secretly, and Lord Ye was killed on the spot."

The old king of Zhou frowned, and said in displeasure, "Isn't it true that there is no proof?"

Master Zhu signaled to his subordinate, and that subordinate immediately handed over a stack of banknotes to the eunuch: "Your Majesty, this was found from Lord Ye. After verification, the original owner of these banknotes is Princess Qiuying."

Zhou An snorted, "She is becoming more and more capable, and she knows how to send people to intercept and kill her, and kill her to silence her."

The original hesitation in the old King Zhou's heart dissipated at this moment, and he immediately said: "Just do as you said, find a house outside the palace as soon as possible to house her, and then find a suitable husband's house for her, so that she can get married as soon as possible. get married."

Zhou An looked happy, and nodded with a smile: "That's very good, thank you, Father."

The old king of Zhou waved his hand and ordered Mr. Zhu to retreat, and then walked to Jia Zhou'an's bedside, looked at his pale son, and sighed: "My father only hopes that you can be happier, so that when you recover from your injuries, you will be married right away." , so that I can hug my grandson earlier."

Zhou Anjun's face flushed slightly, his heart was full of anticipation, but he had to take into account Rong Yue's mood.

"Father, let's take this matter slowly, I'm afraid that Rong Yue—"

The old king of Zhou waved his hand: "I can't procrastinate any longer, just do as I said, and you two will get married in a month's time."


Chu Dynasty, Duke's Mansion.

Zheng Guogong and his wife were sitting in front of their son's bed, chatting in babble, talking about the son's past fun, talking about their worries and anxieties when the son was away, and talking about the major events that happened in the capital city these days, but the son just didn't care. When Ken woke up, his eyes were tightly closed the whole time, and he didn't move at all. Except for his normal breathing and complexion, he was no different from a dead person.

At this time Sangui rushed in: "Master, madam, it's not good, Princess Yue, she is going to get married."

 The author who lived in the south froze like a dog, got chilblains on his fingers because of coding, and begged for love—rolling on the spot and begging for a monthly ticket—.

(End of this chapter)

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