Chapter 731 Who Is Miss Qi?
Chapter 732

But Jian Yun shook his head: "I don't have a good treatment method yet, but don't worry, Zhong Wen is also my disciple, and I will definitely do my best."

Zheng Guogong believed deeply in what she said, but fortunately Zhongwen is now normal except that he doesn't recognize anyone and doesn't remember things. Maybe when he wakes up tomorrow, he will remember it by himself?
After dinner, Sangui waited for Zheng Zhongwen to go to sleep, saw that he closed his eyes, thought he was really asleep, and couldn't help muttering: "Master, if you don't remember things anymore, Miss Qi will marry someone else .”

Opening his closed eyes again, he grabbed Sangui who was about to turn around and leave, and asked in a deep voice, "What did you just say?"

Seeing him like this, Sangui thought he had remembered, and excitedly said, "My lord, do you remember? Do you really remember?"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "I ask you, what did you just say?"

Sangui wiped his face, wiped away the tears of joy, choked up and said: "My lord, you don't know, Miss Qi, she is getting married, but the groom is not you."

Zheng Zhongwen asked again: "Who is Ms. Qi? Who is she?" Why did his heart start to throb again when he mentioned this person and thought of this name.

Sangui was taken aback: "My lord, don't you remember?"

Zheng Zhongwen took a deep breath, with a cold look in his eyes: "Let me ask you again, who is Miss Qi?"

Sangui had never seen such a gloomy and stern look on the young master, so he was taken aback, and hurriedly replied: "Miss Qi is your fiancee, you used to like her so much, and you could do anything for her, how can you do it now?" Don't remember her?"

"My fiancée?" He frowned: "Since she is my fiancée, why do you want to marry someone else?"

Sangui shook his head: "I don't know why, she hasn't come back since she left the capital last time, I can't believe that she is such a person."

Zheng Zhongwen asked: "What kind of person?"

Sangui has kept these words in his heart for a long time, and since the young master asked, he has nothing to hide: "It has been spread all over the place, saying that Miss Qi relied on you and the Duke of the country to make every step of the way, and finally became the princess protecting the country. But she was not willing to marry you, a mere side-by-side king, so she hooked up with the prince of the Zhou Dynasty and became the queen of the Zhou Dynasty."

Zheng Zhongwen's heart ached even more. Was the Miss Qi they were talking about the woman who stabbed his heart with a sharp knife?

Could it be that she wanted to kill the prince of the Zhou Dynasty in order to marry him smoothly?

Sangui said again: "But son, Miss Qi really doesn't look like that kind of person, why did she suddenly marry Zhou An?" At that time, I felt that the man had an extraordinary bearing, unlike an ordinary student from a poor family, and his status was indeed extraordinary.

Could it be that he secretly communicated with Miss Qi about the song?Ms. Qi later agreed to be with the young master, just to use the power of the young master and the Duke in Longxi to help Zhou An clear the obstacles, and then send Zhou An back to the Zhou Dynasty to inherit the throne?

Sangui only felt a chill on his back and broke out in a cold sweat. If this is the case, then Miss Qi's city mansion is really too deep, and it is extremely scary to think about it.

"What are you thinking?" Zheng Zhongwen asked in a deep voice seeing Sangui's complexion constantly changing.

Sangui hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands: "No, it's nothing, young master, please rest, I'll go down first." He didn't dare to say what was in his heart, fearing that it would be bad if he angered young master again.

(End of this chapter)

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