Chapter 753
Chapter 756

Mr. Wan got up and said to Zheng Zhongwen: "I hope you won't regret it in the future. Some things, once done, there is no room for change."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't make a sound, and Mr. Wan didn't say any more, and turned and left the Duke's Mansion.

As soon as Mr. Wan returned to the mansion, Dina came to him in a hurry: "Mr. Wan, have you seen Di Jia?"

Mr. Wan frowned: "No, what's wrong?"

Dina's face was scorched: "She hasn't come back since she ran out after arguing with me yesterday."

"Didn't come back at night?" Mr. Wan was surprised.

Dina nodded: "No, I guarded the door all night last night, and she never came back. I went out to look for her early this morning, but she was nowhere to be found. I really don't know where she went, and if there was any accident. "

Mr. Wan hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I'll send someone out to look for it. As long as you're in the capital city, you'll be able to find it."

Knowing Mr. Wan's ability, Dina was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

"You don't have to thank me. She was lost from my house. It's my duty to find her. You don't have to be responsible. Go back and wait for the news."

After Dina left, Mr. Wan immediately sent someone out to look for it, activated Wan Wutang's network and influence in the capital city, and tried its best to find it.

It took only half a day to find out Di Jia's whereabouts.

After learning the truth, Mr. Wan couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately asked Dina to come over.

"Mr. Wan, is there any news about Di Jia?" Dina asked as soon as she entered the door.

Mr. Wan nodded: "You sit down first, and listen to Lao Liu to tell you about the situation."

Dina looked at the sixth child who was beside her, and the sixth child hurriedly said, "It's Miss Dina. Our people found out that Miss Di Jia was wandering in the street yesterday after she left the house and accidentally knocked down an old man. When she saw that the old man had injured his leg, she sent him home. The old man was the father of Mr. Zhu, the servant of the Ministry of War. Miss Di Jia told Mr. Zhu that she was kicked out by her family and was homeless. Mr. Zhu felt sorry for her. Let her live in Zhu's house temporarily."

Dina's eyes widened when she heard that, with a look of disbelief on her face: "She said she was homeless?"

The sixth child nodded: "This is what the servants of the Zhu family's mansion said, so it shouldn't be wrong."

Dina was out of breath, she slapped the table with her hand, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm so mad, I'll go to Zhu's house and bring her back."

Dina got up and left. Mr. Wan winked at the old man, signaling him to follow, and don't let the girl suffer at Zhu's house.

He doesn't know who the old lady of the Zhu family is, but he knows that Zhu Shilang's wife is not easy to mess with, she is mean, she has an eye for money, and she is only interested in profit. She must have a plan for agreeing to let Di Jia live in their Zhu mansion of.

But having said that, it is impossible for Di Jia to live in the Zhu Mansion without a plan, just to see who is the Tao and who is the devil, and whose Taoism is higher.

It is said that Dina came to the gate of Zhu Mansion and reported her name, but they didn't see her at all. She couldn't even enter the gate, and she gritted her teeth angrily and walked back. Zheng Zhongwen and Wu Di returned to the city from the city defense camp.

Dina hurriedly stopped Zheng Zhongwen and Wu Di.

Fortunately, the horse didn't run fast, and pulled the rein in time, so that no disaster happened, but Di Wu was still very scared.

"Sister, you don't want to die, why do you do such a dangerous thing like the second sister." Diwu complained.

(End of this chapter)

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