Chapter 786

Chapter 790

Thinking of this, Jian Yun turned around and ran out of the city without saying a word.

Zheng Zhongwen followed closely, and the two returned to the station outside the city in the shortest time. However, what awaited them was only a cold letter on the table.

Master, I'm leaving, don't look for me, I'm sorry, I failed to fulfill my promise to you, please tell Zhongwen for me, I don't blame him, maybe Miss Xue is his most suitable wife, I will stay with him Being around will only bring him endless misfortune, leaving me is the most correct choice, those past events that he has forgotten, just pretend they never happened, and there is no need to explain my situation to him , I wish him happiness, I will be somewhere far away, wishing him well.

Memories are like tombs, thin as plain, should we forget each other in the rivers and lakes?

Since we can't stay together, let's forget about each other!
The letter fluttered to the ground, he grabbed the clothes on his chest, resisted the pain, his throat gushed up, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out, soaking the thin paper with blood.

"How dare you, how dare you—" He almost gritted his steel teeth in hatred, once again, she actually abandoned him again, why is her heart so hateful?
Jian Yun was also heartbroken. The happiness that she thought was close at hand turned out to be out of reach.

When I think about it, the world is so close.

When a thought dies, it is so close to the end of the world.


Three days later, Xue's family came to force the marriage, but Zheng Zhongwen avoided seeing them. He was not in the mood to deal with them, nor did he want to deal with them.

The Xue family did not agree to the divorce. A good girl cannot just be ruined by him. He must be held accountable and give them a perfect explanation.

When the war in western Xinjiang was tense, Zheng Zhongwen simply invited himself to the battlefield above the Golden Palace, away from the capital, away from the place of right and wrong, away from this sad city.

Chu Tian agreed and ordered him to return safely no matter what. He always believed that the fate between Brother Zhong Wen and Sister Huang had not come to an end. They had known each other since childhood, and it was Brother Zhong Wen who gave Sister Huang another love. Life is also Zhongwen's brother protecting her and accompanying her when the emperor's sister died several times. The red thread between them is entangled in each other's flesh and blood. No matter how far apart or how long, they will always meet again .

He left, carrying the resentment of his parents, the hatred of Xue Baozhen, and the expectation of Chu Tianqi, away from the capital.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, it is two years.

Thanks to the efforts of Zheng Zhongwen and General Tianhu, the years of war in western Xinjiang were finally put down. Chu Tianqi, who was far away in the capital, immediately ordered the two to return to Beijing and receive the title.

After two years of life-and-death wars, the two have become brothers who can talk about everything. They agreed that on the way back to Beijing, they would take a good tour of the mountains and rivers to see how beautiful the mountains and rivers they were defending with their lives.

"Brother Tianhu, what do you most want to do when you return to Beijing this time?" Zheng Zhongwen asked.

Tianhu laughed straight: "Of course the thing I want to do the most is to marry a wife. I didn't have any conditions in the Black Desert before, and then I went to the battlefield immediately after leaving the Black Desert. Now that I have finally calmed down, I naturally want to find a house for myself." Daughter-in-law, give me a litter of cubs and enjoy the happiness of that day."

Tianhu looked sideways at Zheng Zhongwen who was walking alongside him. After two years of training on the battlefield, his fair face turned into the same wheat color as him. A bit fierce and domineering.

"You kid, you're not too young, and with such an identity, why didn't you get married? I really don't understand."

(End of this chapter)

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