Chapter 798 Xiaobai
Chapter 803

She pretended not to hear, and put a spoonful of sweet milk to Xiao Nianwen's mouth with a small spoon: "Nianwen, your Uncle Min bought this for you, is it delicious?"

Xiao Nianwen swallowed the milk and nodded with a smile: "It's delicious."

Zheng Zhongwen softened Rourou's daughter's soft black hair, and said with a smile, "Good girl, after returning to Beijing, Daddy will raise a few cows in the palace so that you can have milk every day."

Xiao Nianwen clapped his hands happily: "Raise cattle, raise cattle."

The meal was finished with laughter and laughter. Xiao Nianwen had a particularly good appetite today. After eating more than half a bowl of milk, ate a fried vegetarian dish, and a few mouthfuls of noodles, the happy Zheng Zhongwen gave a thumbs up: "Okay!" That's right, my daughter is awesome."

Xiao Nianwen clapped his hands straight after hearing this: "Awesome, awesome!"

There were two plain fried vegetables left on the plate, Qi Rongyue blew a whistle, and a white shadow jumped out of nowhere and jumped directly onto the table.

She pushed the plate towards the white shadow, and said with a smile: "Xiao Bai, these are all for you."

Xiaobai is still the same as two years ago, his body is only the size of an adult's palm, and he hasn't grown up at all.

The delicate pink nose sniffed the Su Sheng Jian on the plate, immediately frowned, and shook his head at Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue said: "You've eaten too much meat recently, you've gotten angry, you can't eat meat these days, you should be a vegetarian."

Xiaobai looked aggrieved, don't overdo it and refuse to eat.

At this time, Xiao Nianwen reached out and grabbed Xiaobai's tail, and dragged it to the plate: "Mother said eat, eat."

Xiaobai glanced at the text with black eyes, full of helplessness, opened his mouth and took a bite of Su Shengjian, chewed it randomly for a few times before swallowing it, with a look of disgust on his face, every bite he took seemed to be tortured, Qi Rongyue couldn't bear it, and sighed, forget it after eating this one, I will ask the kitchen to prepare some meat for you at noon.

When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately became happy, and finished eating the pan-fried buns.

Zheng Zhongwen looked surprised: "Can it understand human speech?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Not only can it understand human speech, but it's also very powerful. Although it's small, its speed is strange, and even the master can't touch it."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't believe it, and immediately shot like lightning to grab the little thing that was as white as a snowball.

It's strange to say that the little guy is right by his hand, but no matter how he changes his tactics, he still can't touch it.

What's even more strange is that the little guy seems to have never moved, but it obviously moves, but you can't see it move.

"Are you convinced?" Qi Rongyue asked with a smile.

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "I have taken it, what is it?"

She shook her head: "I don't know either. I met it on the way back to Chu from the Zhou Dynasty two years ago. It doesn't let anyone touch it, but it likes to stay on me. With reading texts, it likes to stick to reading texts." , will also protect the text, so I can rest assured when I go to the doctor."

Zheng Zhongwen was overjoyed, and reached out to touch the little guy, but the little guy glanced at him with disgust, turned around and swaggered away without leaving him a hair.

Qi Rongyue got up, and said to Zheng Zhongwen: "I have to go to the doctor today, I made an appointment yesterday, I can't accompany you, you take good care of Lianwen at home, the kitchen will deliver the food on time, and the food that Lianwen eats It will be delivered, and the cook will help you feed her, is that okay?"

He nodded: "No problem, you have been taking care of it for so long, and I'm taking care of it for a day, why not?"

Qi Rongyue secretly smiled, thinking that you haven't seen how much this little guy can torture people.

(End of this chapter)

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