Chapter 803 Unexpected surprise
Chapter 808

public office

Zheng Guogong didn't know that his son was coming back today. Seeing his son coming back safe and sound, all the complaints in the hearts of the two elders disappeared at this moment, especially Mrs. Zheng, took her son to read it over and over again, and said that her son had lost weight. She shed a few tears, and then said that her son was dark, and then shed a few more tears.

Zheng Guogong sighed: "Don't cry and cry, now that Zhongwen is back, the first thing to do is to solve the Xue family's affairs, without delay."

Mrs. Zheng wiped away her tears, nodded and said: "Your father is right, Zhong Wen, you don't know, Baozhen lived alone in the palace for the past two years, I should have told you about this, but your father said I was afraid that you would be distracted by the war, so I didn't let you say, now that you are back, let's find a time to deal with the two of you."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "Mother, what do you mean? What are you doing?"

Mrs. Zheng said: "Naturally it's a marriage. Although Baozhen has lived in the palace and is already recognized as a side-by-side princess, she didn't come to our house in eight sedan chairs after all. It will become a talking point for the world, you can't treat people like this, this wedding will naturally have to be held again."

Zheng Zhongwen's face darkened, and he said: "Father and mother, to tell you the truth, I have found Rongyue, she returned to Kyoto with me, and our child is already one and a half years old."

The jade bead that Zheng Guogong held in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, he was both surprised and happy: "What did you say? Rong Yue has returned to Beijing? Also, there are your children?"

Mrs. Zheng was also too shocked to speak. When she came back to her senses, she pinched her fingers and calculated: "The child is one and a half years old? Then, when was she conceived? Is it yours?"

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly said: "Mother, what are you talking about? The child is of course mine. She and Zhou An have always been married in a fake way. They have never been a real couple. The child was conceived by me when I went to the Zhou Dynasty. surprise."

Zheng Guogong was already so happy that he couldn't stop talking from ear to ear. He thought his grandson was going crazy. He really didn't expect that when his son came back, his grandson would be one and a half years old. Could he not be happy? "Where's the child? Did you bring it?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head, with a dejected expression on his face: "Master Jian took the two of them away, and said that she would not be allowed to see me again unless the matter of the Xue family was dealt with." If I had known that this was the situation in Kyoto, I would have known that when I came back, I would be separated again. He would rather stay in Jincheng, at worst, not be the side-by-side king, and let Xue Baozhen guard the palace for the rest of his life, while he guards Rong Yue and the child for the rest of his life.

Madam Zheng hurriedly asked, "Boy or girl?"

Thinking of his precious daughter, Zheng Zhongwen immediately had a smile on his face: "Girl, Nianwen, Chu Nianwen."

Zheng Guogong rubbed his hands: "Okay, girl is good, if a girl looks like Rongyue, she must be very beautiful."

Mrs. Zheng also laughed from ear to ear: "It's also good-looking to look like Zhong Wen, Zhong Wen was so affectionate when we were young."

Thinking of their precious granddaughter, the two of them almost lost their lives, and hurriedly asked, "Do you know where they live?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I don't know, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Thank you for being able to ask. This is the flesh and blood of our Zheng family. You can't even keep your own child, why don't you want us to come and have a look? Do you know how long the two of us have been waiting for this day?"

Zheng Zhongwen scratched his head: "I also miss my daughter, but you also know Master Jian's temperament, as long as you say what you say, I can't do anything with her."

(End of this chapter)

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