Chapter 819
Chapter 825

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Okay, go and bring in the reading text, I'm not disguised, it's inconvenient to show up."

Zhongwen sighed deeply, turned over unwillingly and got out of bed, straightened the messy clothes on his body, and waved the gauze tent with his backhand, hiding the alluring face inside the tent.

Opening the door, when Nianwen, who was originally held by the nurse, saw Zhongwen, he immediately stretched out his arms, and his small body slipped out of the nurse's arms: "Daddy hug, daddy hug!"

Zhongwen's heart warmed slightly, and he quickly stepped forward and hugged his daughter in his arms: "My dear daughter, show daddy, has she grown taller?"

The nurse smiled and said, "The prince was joking, but I haven't seen you for a day, so even if I grow taller, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell."

The corners of Zhong Wenle's mouth almost reached behind his ears, he kissed his daughter's cheek hard, and said to the nanny: "Go down, it's hard work."

After the wet nurse left, he returned to his room with Nianwen in his arms.

Reading the text is no stranger to see the mother who is not easy to look, she smiled and bent a pair of beautiful eyes: "Mother is beautiful, mother is beautiful."

After teasing the child for a while, Zhongwen asked her: "What do you think about Xue Baozhen?"

She shrugged: "I didn't think much about it. Since she is determined to stay, let's stay. No matter what she is planning, as long as you are determined, nothing will happen."

Zheng Zhongwen saw that her face was pale, and she looked confident that he would not change his mind, and felt very comfortable in his heart. This is the feeling he wanted, two people are in love with each other, and they have no doubts about each other.

"Yue'er, thank you for coming back to me. Since I woke up, I have lost not only my memory, but also my soul. In those days, I lived like a walking dead, relying on those inexplicable hatred for you Live on purpose until I see you again in the Zhou Dynasty."

He sighed deeply: "Stop talking, it's over, from now on, I won't let you two leave me, not half a step."

She hugged the text and leaned against his chest, wishing that the time would be quiet and peaceful, as it would be in the rest of her life.

Three days later, the dowry that Chu Tianqi ordered his people to prepare was carried into the Prince's Mansion and filled the warehouse to the brim.

The welcoming team was also very spectacular, several times bigger than the grand occasion when they went to the Xue Mansion two years ago.

And because the emperor came to the palace to preside over the wedding today, all the officials in the city, big and small, no matter whether they were named or not, all came to join in the fun, and the sound of singing was endless. I don't know how many tables were added to the original 99 banquet tables. .

Not only the Zheng family distributed red envelopes on the street, but also the palace, and the Wan family also distributed red envelopes. On this day, just because of the Zheng family's great joy, the number of red envelopes sent out was unknown. The whole capital city seemed to be boiling, even if the princess was married , It's just such a grand scene!

This day is destined to be recorded in the annals of history and praised by the world.

Xue Baozhen listened to Xiao He's narration in the room, and her face turned blue and white with anger.

She is a dignified daughter of the Marquis Mansion, from a concubine recognized by everyone, to a concubine, but she, an unknown daughter, is treated with such honor, it's unfair, it's too unfair.

Xiao He was dissatisfied and said: "It's not a princess who is getting married, does the emperor need to give her such a big face? It's a dowry and a bonus, and he personally officiates the marriage, why should she? What is she?"

Xue Baozhen snorted coldly: "She is nothing, but now she is the prince's favorite, and the prince is the most valued person by the emperor, giving her face is giving the prince face."

(End of this chapter)

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