Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 838 The end of being stung by a wasp

Chapter 838 The end of being stung by a wasp
Chapter 845

Xiao He's words had already been asked, and it was too late for Xue Baozhen to stop her.

Sangui smiled and asked, "Are you waiting for the prince?"

Xue Baozhen glared at Xiao He, motioning her to shut up and not to speak, she said: "Xiao He has no other intentions, she just saw that you were with the prince all day long, and she didn't see you today, that's all a bit strange." , her gaze also fell behind Sangui, and even further away, hoping to see that tall and stalwart figure, but unfortunately, there was nothing, nothing.

Sangui shrugged his shoulders, and didn't want to expose her lies, so he just said in a low voice: "The prince said, let you go back to your room to play the piano, don't disturb other people's peace here, and don't come here again."

Xue Baozhen bit her lip, turned her head and gave Xiao He a wink, Xiao He understood, quickly took out a heavy purse from her arms, and stuffed it into Sangui's hand.

Sangui weighed the weight of the purse and asked with a smile, "What is this for?"

Xue Baozhen smiled and said, "Be careful, take it for tea."

Sangui was also not polite, stuffed it into his bosom, smiled and cupped his hands: "Then thank the side concubine."

Xue Baozhen didn't expect him to accept it so readily, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked: "I heard that the prince likes to listen to music, is this true?"

Sangui nodded: "I used to like it, but now I can't tell." Since the prince lost his memory, he has forgotten many things, including listening to music.

Maybe the prince never really liked to listen to the music, but only for the sake of the eldest princess. The eldest princess is gone, and there is another woman by his side. Naturally, he can't remember those hobbies.

Xue Baozhen asked again: "Apart from listening to music, does the prince have any other hobbies?"

Sangui nodded: "Yes, the prince likes to train horses, and the more sexual the horse, the more he likes it."

"anything else?"

The corners of Sangui's lips curled up slightly, and he smiled strangely: "My lord's favorite thing to do now is to take care of the children. The little princess is his heart, and I wish I could hold it in the palm of my hand every day."

Seeing Xue Baozhen's face getting more and more ugly, Sangui became more and more happy: "It's getting late, you should go back to rest earlier, little one, take a step first, remember what I said just now, don't come here to play the piano again, the prince doesn't like it."

After Sangui finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

After a while, the master and servant came back to their senses: "Miss, we seem to have been tricked."

Xue Baozhen's face was gloomy: "This Sangui, it seems that he is indeed a loyal slave."

"Miss, what shall we do now?" Xiao He secretly scolded the three nobles for being so bad, since she didn't want to tell them, why did she charge money?

Xue Baozhen said in a deep voice: "Pack up your things and go back. Is it embarrassing to stay here?"

She got up, rubbed her sore calves from sitting for a long time, and saw that Xiao He had put away the zither and lanterns, so she started to leave. Something stuck in the tree trunk, and then, a big black lump fell from the tree trunk, hitting right in front of the two of them.

Xiao He turned on the lamp and saw, good guy, it turned out to be a hornet's nest, fat hornets flew out of Xiao He's light.

Xiao He was so frightened that she lost the lantern in her hand, but she still couldn't avoid being stung by the wasp.

Xue Baozhen's fate was better than Xiao He's. She didn't have a lantern in her hand, and because she escaped in time, she only got two big bumps on her face and three on her body. Pig-like, with at least a dozen big bags on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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