Chapter 851 Sunken Sandalwood
Chapter 858

Seats have been set up in the yard, three short and long tables, one host and two guests.

At the request of the princess, Luo Ji sat in the exclusive host seat opposite, the princess sat in the first guest seat, and Xue Baozhen sat in the second guest seat.

As soon as the three sat down, a girl put their pianos on the table.

Luo Ji's qin is very gorgeous, inlaid with gems and jade all around, the dark brown body of the qin has very special patterns, and the strings are different from ordinary qin strings, slightly thicker.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows, and asked in surprise: "The princess's piano is made of Shenshuitan?"

Luo Ji nodded and said with a smile: "Princess has good eyesight, it is indeed made by Shen Shuitan." This piano was given to her by her master Yuandao, and it is said that he made it himself. Originally, the appearance of this piano was very ordinary. Before coming to the capital, the father specially found a craftsman to embellish the piano, and put gems and jade on it, making it look particularly gorgeous.

Qi Rongyue stood up, looked at the piano carefully, tried a few notes, and then sighed: "It's a pity."

She went back to her seat and sat down. Seeing Princess Luoji looking at her inexplicably, she said, "This submerged sandalwood is an extremely precious sandalwood that was deposited underwater for hundreds of thousands of years before it was excavated by the world. The wood is extremely rare and precious, and the texture of the wood is very special. It can produce ingenious sounds that cannot be produced by ordinary qins, and the sound quality is also more delicate. Wood grain, such that the clever sound that could have been produced normally, is also ruined because of this."

Luo Ji's complexion changed slightly. This piano can indeed produce a few more ingenious notes than ordinary ones, and it is precisely because of these ingenious notes that her tunes are more perfect and unique.

She hasn't played the Qin since her father took it to be inlaid with treasures, and she doesn't understand why the texture is broken. At this time, after hearing Wang Hao's words, she immediately stretched out her hand to test the sound. After trying it again and again, her brows It also became more and more wrinkled.

Xue Baozhen was stunned, completely unable to understand what Qi Rongyue said, she just felt that she was playing tricks, a good piano, of course, should be inlaid gorgeously and exquisitely, and it should be seen at a glance and unforgettable at first sight. The appearance of a good violin should be like this violin in the hands of Princess Luo Ji.

Unwilling to be ignored, she got up and walked in front of Princess Luo Ji, and when Princess Luo Ji stopped the hand of the audition, she dialed a few notes as if showing off her skills, and said with a smile: "This is really a good piano , the timbre is mellow and transparent, and it is so gorgeous and delicate, I am very moved after seeing it."

Luo Ji ignored Xue Baozhen, and only said to Qi Rongyue: "Princess, does this piano still have the ability to return to life?"

Qi Rongyue said: "Ordinary craftsmen will definitely not be able to do it. I think whoever can make this Qin will be able to restore it."

Luo Ji was relieved, as long as it didn't become a waste piano, and it could be repaired.

It's just that, when she enters Beijing this time, the day when she will return to Xijiang may be in the foreseeable future, where will she go to see her master again?Is there really a day for her piano to be repaired?
Xue Baozhen said: "Princess, sister Wangfei and I came to you to ask you about piano skills today, not to compare piano tools."

Luo Ji made up her mind, concealed the disappointment in her eyes, and smiled lightly: "If that's the case, then the little girl will show her shame."

A piece of Clouds Covering the Moon, the melody is low and gentle, like a boudoir complaining to a lover she hasn't seen for a long time, sometimes sad and weeping, sometimes cheerful and melodious.

(End of this chapter)

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