Chapter 860 Special Ability
Chapter 867

"Then what do we do now?" Zheng Zhongwen asked.

Jian Yun shook her head, her eyes mixed with joy and worry: "The only thing we can do now is to protect her and not let anyone know her ability. Such a powerful and miraculous ability is a good thing and a bad thing for her. , You know, everyone is innocent, but he is guilty of the crime!"

Jian Yun glanced at the reading text again, and said: "And this resurrection and healing technique is obviously extremely debilitating. Look at this child, when he was supposed to be happy, he was sleeping here and couldn't wake up. The last time he rescued him A puppy has slept for two days, so how long will it take to save the rabbit this time? In the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, she must not be allowed to use this technique. In the end, it is very likely that the disaster will spread to yourself, and you must not be careless."

Both of them had dignified faces, and there was no trace of joy in their hearts. Their daughter should have enjoyed an ordinary and happy childhood, but now, because of her extraordinary, it is destined that this childhood will not be ordinary either.

Rong Yue suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said to the master: "Master, you have also eaten the cold dragon's whiskers, will it affect your child as well?"

Jian Yun shook his head: "The cold dragon's beard is indeed a very rare medicine, but it is different from the gathering elements such as Jiaozhu Jiaodan, so it should not have any effect."

She sighed again: "Nianwen is your child. Now that you have such abilities, you don't know what your body will look like in the future, and will you have any unknown special abilities?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "No, at least I didn't feel it."

Zheng Zhongwen also shook his head: "In the past, apart from the pain in the chest wound, there were no other abnormalities, and now even the chest does not hurt much. It should be that there is no special ability."

Jian Yun nodded: "It doesn't matter if you don't have one. Birth, old age, sickness and death are reincarnations of fate. You are all people who have changed your life once. You must not change it a second time. Otherwise, you will go against the sky and you will be condemned by God. "

The two said yes again and again, and after seeing off the master, they sat in the room relatively silent.

After a long silence, Zhongwen finally asked: "Can you tell me what's going on with this Jiaodan?"

She tilted her head to look at him, the face that she had when she was a child when he gave her the jade pendant had become what it is now, with a radiant look and a majestic aura.

She laughed: "When I was young, a boy gave me a jade pendant, saying that it was his heirloom jade, which would bless him for a lifetime of safety. The family heirloom, I just accepted it in such a reckless manner. Later, I fell off the rockery and was seriously injured and unconscious. Even the doctor said I was going to die, but who knows, I came back to life, unscathed, But from that time on, the jade pendant disappeared, until later, I was killed by the enemy, I was dead, but came back to life, after waking up, there was this flame mark on my body, so the master guessed that I might be Flood pill and live."

"Who is that boy?" He frowned, and he could clearly feel that when Yue'er mentioned this boy, his eyes were particularly gentle, and the affection revealed in his words made him unable to ignore it.

She smiled mysteriously: "If you can recall the memories you lost in the past, you will know who that boy is."

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but that he doesn't know where to start, the youthful relationship he has forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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